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Progressive Insurance runs ads showing violence
posted by D on Monday March 03, @12:53PM
from the Media dept.
News HombreVIII writes "Last July their ad featured a sexy woman, (the type that girls say "I wanna be like her when I grow up!"), using a webpage to cast voodoo spells on a guy finishing off in grand tradition with a pair of pliers to the genitals. This time at least she leaves the genitals alone, but once again she's smiling contentedly as she uses the voodoo website with the words "Cheating Boyfriend" emblazoned across the top to prick a guy with a pin, burn his foot, and finally shrink his head. Judging by the facial reactions of the girl he's dancing with, another sexy girl, she finds the fact that he's experiencing pain repulsing rather than sympathizing. In light of the fact that this ad was made after recieving the letters MANN readers sent them about the last commercial, under no circumstances will I ever use Progressive insurance."

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Progressive.com (Score:1)
by incredibletulkas on Tuesday March 04, @01:06AM EST (#1)
(User #901 Info)
I'll try having my prepaid legal firm write them a letter to "cease and desist," and we'll see what happens.

Re:Progressive.com (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday March 04, @09:10AM EST (#2)
Thanks, 'Tulkas.

And I'm with Hombre. I will NEVER do buisness with Progressive, either.
When I wrote them concerning the origional commercial, I told them, as I'm sure alot of us did, that I would not do buisness with them as long as they ran ANY ads depicting female-on-male abusive violence. That included simply re-tooling the commercial to omit the "castration scene". Proxy or not, the woman is STILL abusing that guy and it is STILL being played for laughs.
which would never be the case if the gender rolls were reversed.
But Progressive apearantly does not value one half of their customer base, which is by definition DISCRIMINATION.
I see no difference here than I did back in the mid 90's when 'DENNY'S restaraunt' chains refused to seat Black, American-Indian or Hispanic customers. As a minority, I and many other "people of color" simply stopped doing buisness with them. NOW they seat WHOEVER walks into their establishment!
And now, as a MAN, I can see no other alternative but for us [men] to do the same thing, BOYCOTT their a$$es, without mercy!
May I suggest 'Geico' insurance, to do buisness with? You know the ones with the ads featureing the little Gekko lizard? I understand they are pretty good. AND not one of their ads seem to be anti-male, or anti-anybody, for that matter. (unless you're a Gekko, maybe.)
So, in closeing, I'll just say this;
Any buisness is dead in the water without it's customers. And one gets customers by RESPECTING them, and appealing to them.
'Progressive insurance' has done just the opposite to at least half of it's customer and potential customer base. and it has done so in the most snidely, self-important and prejudicial manner.
If they continue to have THIS sort of relation ship with ANY of their customer base, then they deserve the bed of fate they have chosen to lay down upon.
To Progressive, all I have to say is this; The buisness world is very competitive, If you show disdain for a group of people and show them they are not welcome, as you have done. There are PLENTY of other buisnesses that will welcome those people with open arms.
The end result will be as it should. You as a buisness will cease to exist, because holding on to your prejudice and makeing political and social commentary that is demeaning towards certain people, was more important to you than satisfied cusomers and staying in buisness.

What does THAT say about a buisness like yours?

As and Indian, I would never do buisness with the Ku Klux Klan.
And as a man I can never do buisness with you, for the exact same reason! bigotry.

Re:Progressive.com (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday March 04, @01:48PM EST (#4)
Under what law would they be required to cease and desist?

They even have it on line... (Score:1)
by mcc99 on Tuesday March 04, @01:13PM EST (#3)
(User #907 Info)
... at:

http://www.progressive.com/progressive/commercials .asp

They really are shameless, aren't they?

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