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Privilege Check List
posted by D on Monday February 24, @09:04PM
from the Humor dept.
Humor Dan Lynch writes "This is funny and yet so true. Anyways due to administrations requests I am going to post a check list that you should check out. Just read the first comment of this thread to see an interesting view by an unknown author."

Discrimination against boys | Chivalry Linked to Sexist Views of Women  >

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Privilege checklist: (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Monday February 24, @09:06PM EST (#1)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
Female/feminist privilege checklist:

1. Do you experience other people paying for your dates, or occasionally even picking up the tab in non-romantic settings? Or paying for vacations when the relationship moves along?

2. Do you occasionally experience subservient gestures by the opposite sex (opening doors, giving up a seat in the bus, standing up when you come in the room)?

3. Are you able to simply pursue what you are interested in at university without much societal pressure on "breadwinning" - although you could also take that route if it interests you?

4. Have you had to register for selective service? Would you be ripped out of your life and forced to defend your country in time of attack or national emergency? Can you demand strength and full participation in society, but then get out of this obligation by pretending to be weak with no influence over society (only when it suits you)?

4.b. Can you come up with any and every excuse to get out of this without being laughed at ("No one should be drafted" - when you would be the first to cower in the corner and demand that someone do something if China & Russia combined and attacked full force - and "If men start wars ..." when women are the majority of voters and the expression is more likely "Men are SENT in wars ..." - exactly what you're trying to get out of - and sometimes sent by M. Thatcher, G. Meir, I. Gandhi, B. Bhutto and others).

5. Will you statistically get a much lighter sentence for exactly the same offense if you commit a crime?

6. Are you able to take on a job or choose a career route that is only capable of supporting yourself, with no thought to preparing yourself to also support a spouse/children, although you are also free to choose a more difficult career that will bring you more money? Do you not have much pressure on you with regard to this?

7. If you are in a committed relationship, do you have much greater flexibility to choose whether you want to work or simply stay at home (even without kids)?

8. Will you be called an unemployed loser if you decide to be a homemaker?

9. If you have a flat tire on the road, if someone is harassing you in a public place, if an animal attacks you, or if you are lost, will someone be much, much more likely to help you?

10. Are people generally much nicer to you in public? Are you sometimes given privileged treatment?

11. Are you much more capable of "marrying up" - enjoying the money and status that comes with this?

12. Are you statistically much more likely to be given money in a divorce - sometimes huge amounts - even if your behavior caused the divorce (e.g. affair) and even if you didn't work for the money?

13. If you slap a person - or even knock someone's tooth out throwing your Aunt Selma's Christmas mug at that person - is it much more likely to just be viewed as cute, understandable or not a problem?

14. Do you statistically live much longer - possibly due to less stress on you with regard to breadwinning, providing protection, being responsible, not having society viewing you as "expendable" or viewing your problems as not being important?

15. Do you have much more money spent on your health concerns in reality (e.g. 5 times as much on breast cancer as on prostate cancer - although they have roughly the same death rates) while you simultaneously claim that more has to be done for you?

16. Are you much less likely to be homeless? Is more offered to you by society when you are in this position?

17. Is there far less scorn and pressure on you by society when you are an irresponsible doofball? Are your default rates for payment of child support roughly twice those of the other gender, while you simultaneously complain about the other gender not paying?

18. Has whining about and hating the other gender actually been made into a course of studies in college (women's studies) - as opposed to the true, neutral, unbiased study of this topic - which is simply anthropology?

19. Do you have full opportunity to do anything you want in life - become a doctor, a lawyer, start a business - while simultaneously using the fact that many of your gender don't CHOOSE themselves to do these things as an argument to try to gain even more advantages? Do you get affirmative action because many of your gender don't choose to do these things, and thus the numbers don't "come out right"?

20. Can you manipulate the other gender with sex in some cases to get what you want? Can you pretend like you don't even know what anyone is talking about on this topic?

21. Can you manipulate using old notions of men protecting and deferring to women when it comes in handy?

22. Can you effectively manipulate by playing the victim? Do tears work sometimes?

23. Can you get sympathy if you don't work and don't have children by listing all the household work (hmm ... Oprah really does get high ratings, though) while simultaneously being able to bear the cognitive dissonance of calling your sister's husband who stays home a worthless bum that she ought to leave?

24. Can you "mix and match" traditional and progressive roles - finding just the right mix to get what you want? Can you be a "traditional wife" - enjoying the positive features of that (like not having to work) - while simultaneously being a progressive feminist when THAT gets you advantages? Or having a career while simultaneously using traditional chivalry and male deference to your advantage?

25. Can you constantly say "that's just typical" and "it doesn't surprise me a bit" and make a lemon face if you are a parent-in-law? Is near-universal contempt by both genders for your behavior hidden to a much greater extent?

26. Can almost any remark by your partner be construed as verbal abuse if you want sympathy, but the meanest, nastiest, most humiliating things that you can say simply involve "speaking your mind" and "some people just don't want to hear the truth"?

27. Can you use the fact that gender roles were differentiated long ago - with different advantages/disadvantages for both genders - to try to induce guilt today in people who had absolutely no connection with any of that? Can you say that you have been discriminated against for thousands of years - when you're only 20 years old - with a straight face? Can you even make things up about history and no one will really check or dare call you on it?

28. Can you propagate myths and outright lies ("Superbowl/domestic violence hoax", "rule of thumb", 1/4 rape statistic, intentional misconstrual of pay figures, and many more) and be given a "pass" - without more rigor being demanded?

29. Can you rationalize your own failures using the concept of the "patriarchy", and blame the other gender for nearly everything that goes wrong in your life - even with quite contorted explanations that no one would otherwise buy - while failures of the other gender are just ... failures?

30. Do you want to be treated like a child when it suits you but as an adult when you get an advantage from that? Do you "look the other way" when someone doesn't require responsibility from you that they certainly would from the other gender?

31. Can you focus heavily on perceived earnings in the workforce - the statistics of which are influenced by people's choices in reality - while utterly ignoring the inter-family transfer of wealth? Can you completely ignore the fact that one gender picks tougher jobs (garbage collector), works more hours and takes on more responsibility because of more pressure to earn - but the other gender has the same lifestyle and statistically more assets (and not just because of inheritance/earlier age of male at death....). Can you deliberately claim that earnings figures are based on equal pay for equal work? (when you probably full well know that they simply involve all people working more than 35 hours - and don't take type of job, hours worked over 35/week, danger, responsibility, years in the work force etc. into consideration at all).

32. Is what used to simply be an irritation for grown-ups many years ago - the self-centered rantings and foot stompings of spoiled high-school and college brats - now not only embraced by your movement but almost the modern cornerstone of it?

33. And if you irritated about generalizations and stereotypes ---- and utterly fail to see the hypocrisy in stereotyping and generalizing about one gender while simultaneously making a career (literally in some cases) whining about your own gender being stereotyped ...

... you may have female/feminist privilege! But don't let on - because you can gain much more with a continual victim status.

Re:Privilege checklist: (Score:1)
by Adam H (adam@mensactivism.org) on Monday February 24, @09:24PM EST (#2)
(User #362 Info)
Great stuff, it should open a few eyes.
Re:Privilege checklist: (Score:1)
by Kyle Knutson on Monday February 24, @11:19PM EST (#4)
(User #32 Info) http://ncfm-tc.8m.com/
Bravo, Dan. This is a solid and irrefutable outline of female privilege -- one which we all see and live everyday -- and I really appreciate your clear-minded presentation of the truth. Thanks!

I'm sure that you're familiar with the misandrous rantings of Professor Steven P. Schacht of Plattsburgh State Universtiy of New York who, living in his own little world, seems to think that males and males only enjoy privilege. Such a sexist mindset as this is curious to the point of being comical, but do check it out:


This poor, misguided, and altogether clueless Prof. Schacht could really benefit, Dan, from your far, far, greater understanding of this world in which we live. Perhaps you could start a *dialogue* with him. Who knows, someday he may even thank you for helping him out.
Re:Privilege checklist: (Score:1)
by Kyle Knutson on Tuesday February 25, @09:01AM EST (#5)
(User #32 Info) http://ncfm-tc.8m.com/
Oops -- in my zeal and enthusiasm I forgot that this great litany of female privilege was compiled by an unknown author. But just the same, Dan, thanks a ton for forwarding it.
Re:Privilege checklist: (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Tuesday February 25, @01:23PM EST (#6)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
Maybe you should email that Dr. you like so much the list. See how he responds. Btw its not the first time I've seen his type. Most of them in my opinion are propaganda ministers. Catoring to party line and distributing falsehoods and omitting facts in order to gain fringe benifits.

AS usual none of their arguements stand up to the tests.
Oh, My GOD (Score:1)
by The Gonzo Kid (NibcpeteO@SyahPoo.AcomM) on Tuesday February 25, @03:38PM EST (#7)
(User #661 Info)
Jaysuz Heironymious Chreeeeist! I just read Schacht's essay. GODAMIGHTY, but what a nutless buffoon.

---- Burn, Baby, Burn ----
Re:Privilege checklist: (Score:1)
by Hunsvotti on Tuesday February 25, @10:50PM EST (#9)
(User #573 Info)
  • 9. Should my "wife" unexpectedly become pregnant--or for that matter, any women I might have sex with--I can rest assured that it will be almost entirely be seen as her fault and responsibility to take care of, especially if the pregnancy is not desired on my part.

  • 10. Should I decide to rape a woman in my quest to feel superior, I can rest assured that it is highly unlikely that she will report my misogynist criminal activity to the police. If, however, I should incur the unfortunate charge of rape, unlike any other crime, I can count on my accuser's life and status to simultaneously be on trial to determine if she is worthy of being named my "victim."

  • 11. To demonstrate my superiority, should I feel the need to physically assault my "wife" (or other women that I might purport to love), even to the point I might kill her, I can be reasonably assured that I will largely not be held accountable for my actions. Conversely, should a woman partake in these same actions against me, especially murder, I can count on her being held far more accountable for her actions.

This guy is out of his fucking mind. Is he completely oblivious to the way the world around him is structured?
Re:Privilege checklist: (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday February 26, @06:12PM EST (#11)
The thing about the male privilege points (irrespective of what WE think of them)is that they get forced upon us all the time anyway - through Oprah, agony aunt columns, sitcoms, female comedians, op/ed writers, newscasters etc etc. To that end, offensive as they are, they're not new

What I like about the Female privilege list is that I genuinely believe that some women somewhere will read the points made and squirm a bit about how true it all is. The majority of women just don't see the hypocrisy that most of the checklist points out. It's a result if even one woman squirms or thinks "Sh*t, that's actually true!" and re-adjusts her views or comments the next time she's talking to a guy about this sort of thing.

The devil in me also hopes that some myopic feminist hypocrite somewhere chokes on her cornflakes and splutters with (unwarranted)self-righteous indignation - he he.
Re:Privilege checklist: (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday February 26, @09:38PM EST (#12)
" * 9. Should my "wife" unexpectedly become pregnant--or for that matter, any women I might have sex with--I can rest assured that it will be almost entirely be seen as her fault and responsibility to take care of, especially if the pregnancy is not desired on my part."

You've never heard of child support? Also, on the flip side, guess who gets to keep their own children 9 out of 10 times when it's contested.

" * 10. Should I decide to rape a woman in my quest to feel superior, I can rest assured that it is highly unlikely that she will report my misogynist criminal activity to the police."

Yes, I'm sure the psychic feminists know all about how often things aren't being reported to the police, or documented anywhere else. Either that or they are trying to whip up a frenzy of hysteria over a very infrequent crime.

" If, however, I should incur the unfortunate charge of rape, unlike any other crime, I can count on my accuser's life and status to simultaneously be on trial to determine if she is worthy of being named my "victim.""

Only if you're Bill Clinton, and your fellow phlegminists sell you out. Otherwise as a man your status is lower than any damsel claiming distress anyway. By the way, have you ever heard the one about the woman who dropped the bar of soap in a female prison? Neither has anyone else. Odd, isn't it?

" * 11. To demonstrate my superiority, should I feel the need to physically assault my "wife" (or other women that I might purport to love), even to the point I might kill her, I can be reasonably assured that I will largely not be held accountable for my actions. Conversely, should a woman partake in these same actions against me, especially murder, I can count on her being held far more accountable for her actions."

You have it completely backwards here. Here about the axe murderess in the UK that just had her 5 year sentence shortened to 3? How about all those women released from jail because they claimed they were abused which was why they killed their husband. Ever give even a seconds thought to the fact that the husbands were a little too dead to properly defend themselves during the non-existant trials of their ALLEGED abuse?

"This guy is out of his fucking mind. Is he completely oblivious to the way the world around him is structured?"

No, but you obviously are.

Re:Privilege checklist: (Score:1)
by Hunsvotti on Saturday March 01, @04:21AM EST (#14)
(User #573 Info)
DURRR?!?!? I just said that! What did you think I meant?
Re:Privilege checklist: (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Wednesday February 26, @12:09AM EST (#10)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
"This poor, misguided, and altogether clueless Prof. Schacht could really benefit, Dan, from your far, far, greater understanding of this world in which we live. Perhaps you could start a *dialogue* with him. Who knows, someday he may even thank you for helping him out. "

That guy is a fucking idiot. Looks like he wants to ride the feminist gravy train more than anything. Anyone can regurgitate raw sewage. If that guy wants to do women a favour he should try to see the glass half full for a change.

Pandering doesn't advance culture, hardwork and optimism does. And I am choc full of that.
Re:Privilege checklist: (Score:1)
by incredibletulkas on Saturday March 01, @09:31AM EST (#15)
(User #901 Info)
"This guy is out of his fucking mind. Is he completely oblivious to the way the world around him is structured?"

You forget, he's an "ivory-league" professor; it's REQUIRED to have no fucking clue about the world to even get INTO those places, let alone TEACH there. It also helps if they go the extra mile and take an extreme left-wing agenda as well, deprecating themselves in a show of absolute submission to omniscient faculty.

A couple more privileges-- the BIG ones:

41. Do I have the privelege of committing the most gross and degrading acts of sexual assault and battery against persons of the opposite gender, both literally and figuratively, with not only impunity but prestige, while even lesser acts committed in the reverse are considered a veritable "crime against humanity" for which I may freely, abeit hypocritically, demand the death-penalty?

42. If a sexual union with a member of the opposite sex results in pregnancy, do I have full unilateral control over the outcome of such, ranging from arbitrary termination of that prenatal life, to carrying it to full-term and binding the other parent to pay for its support (and mine, in order to avoid working while caring for it) while at the same time denying said parent any custodial privilege whatsoever-- all with any desire of said parent notwithstanding?

I think this says it all-- men are, officially, to be considered second-class citizens unworthy of respect or equal treatment, while this idiot-professor's moronic drivel of "male privilege" gives women ammunition a full carte blanche to perpetrate such degradation.

Re:Privilege checklist: (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday February 25, @03:59PM EST (#8)
We have too many whiners who offend too easily - or cloak themselves in sensitivity to exert control.
You missed a few... (Score:1)
by incredibletulkas on Saturday March 01, @01:31AM EST (#13)
(User #901 Info)
34. Can you expect to be given the benefit of the doubt in any situation in which you are physically attacked, while members of the opposite gender are accused of being to blame regardless of outsome?

35. Can you, at any stage of life, expect to be given total or superior protection from the cruelest physical, verbal or other abuse, while the opposite gender is faulted and blamed if and when (s)he becomes an innocent victim of such?

36. Can you claim to ruthlessly attack and/or blame the opposite gender without repurcussions of sexism?

38. Can you hypocritically fault members of the opposite gender for failing to accept unfair gender-standards which call for immense sacrifice which you would never dream of accepting yourself?

39. Is societal compassion and bias so extreme toward your gender to the point of driving members of the opposite gender to suicide more than three times as often?

40. Do you have the gall to fault the other gender for this statistic?

I failed to see the humor. (Score:1)
by dave100254 on Monday February 24, @11:18PM EST (#3)
(User #1146 Info)
I continued to read the entire list, and grew sadder by the numbers. It is so very true!
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