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Common Chemical Damages Sperm
posted by Scott on Thursday December 12, @12:48PM
from the men's-health dept.
Men's Health Serge writes "Scientists from Harvard University have uncovered evdience that exposure to the chemical, one of a group known as the phthalates, may lead to damage to the genetic material of human sperm. "The correlation found in this study is extremely troubling" says Dr. Ted Schettler." These chemicals are used in cosmetics and fragrance products, so this is a really big deal.

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Unconcern for Male fertility rates (Score:1)
by Ragtime (ragtimeNOSPAM@PLEASEmensrights.ca) on Thursday December 12, @04:32PM EST (#1)
(User #288 Info)
Male fertility rates have been dropping for years, recently being reported as reaching 'crisis' levels. The topic has been discussed here on this board.
Scientists Identify New Male Infertility Syndrome (/articles/01/07/05/132 8216_F.shtml)
Most Popular Weed Killer Turns Male Frogs Into Females (/articles/02/04/19/181 9237.shtml)

The infertility is associated with environmental factors -- chemical and drug pollutants (birth control pills, estrogen, etc.) in our water. Considering the usual contempt shown for men's health issues, I won't be surprised if you haven't heard of this. (Imagine the upraor and cries for research funding if it was *female* fertility that was down by 25%!)

So now we know that 'female' products may be damaging to men.

I dread to think which will be considered the more important issue in our profoundly screwed-up society -- women's vanity or men's very health.

Will we see any restrictions on women's cosmetics or perfumes because they may be harmful to men? Not bloody likely.


The Uppity Wallet

The opinions expressed above are my own, but you're welcome to adopt them.

Spermicide...perfume by Estee Lauder, a killer!!!! (Score:1)
by Emanslave (Emanslave@aol.com) on Friday December 13, @02:14AM EST (#2)
(User #144 Info)
I do not like this one bit...but I'm sure Mary Kay [cosmetics] and Avon, of all people cherish the spermicidal tendency to beautify women's images!

I have a feeling that when they flaunt that beautiful face with eyeliner, mascara, lipstick, and face cream [Oil of Olay], the men in sight are gonna get...kiss and kill!!! Gimme a kiss on the cheek, and your sperm is gone...like a lubricated condom...

In the end, looks can kill with a touch of makeup, but the beauty [of sperm] is only skin deep!

Cherish that, Mary Kay, Estee Lauder, Avon!!!!

Emmanuel Matteer Jnr.


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