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DV Campaign "Coaches" Boys
posted by Scott on Friday December 06, @01:30PM
from the domestic-violence dept.
Domestic Violence CJ writes "The new phase for the Family Violence Prevention Fund is to 'coach' boys into becoming men, the program invites men to help end abuse by teaching boys that violence against women is always wrong. This is good idea, but one sided in approach. Perhaps this well funded organization could include some examples of violence against the male gender and include programs that ensure quality of life for both genders? I found out about this campaign through a banner ad on a high traffic corporate web page. FVPC is getting the word out that they think boys need to be changed. How long will it be before the campaign that states 'boys are bad and abusive' manifests in public classrooms? Lets help ensure gender parity on this issue before our young men are inflicted with more feminist funded psychological abuse."

The War Against Fathers | DNA Clears Five Convicted Men of 1989 Rape  >

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Momentarily... (Score:2)
by frank h on Friday December 06, @02:23PM EST (#1)
(User #141 Info)
I went to this site and spent a few minutes surfing around, and found myself getting extraordinarily angry. For a brief moment, I found myself wanting to pick up the monitor of my computer and smash it on the floor. I continue to be amazed at the severe lack of attention to the other side of the gender coin here. Every time I visit these sites I marvel at the resources that must've been devoted to developing these things and lament the dearth of attention given to women as abusers.

Sorry, guys. I just had to vent a little.
Re:Momentarily... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday December 06, @02:55PM EST (#2)
What's really scary to me is that the Ad Council is behind them. Just the fact that they are producing these ads gives them an air of authority and accuracy.

There has been so much money dumped into feminist influenced DV programs, that I sometimes wonder if this is a lost cause. No, we shouldn't give up, but I share your frustration.
Re:Momentarily... (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on Saturday December 07, @07:31AM EST (#10)
(User #1085 Info)
The fact that the Ad Council is behind them, doesn't suprise me at all.
The Ad Council has sponsered tons of anti-male PSAs. Particularly on radio.
They are anti-white, too. On any PSA I've heared the Ad Council sponser about 'racism', for instance, It is always the voices of two white men saying things about women, gays and\or minorities.
As a minority, myself, I can tell you all for certain I've heared as many racial slurs from Blacks as I have from Whites. And I've heared more than a few of my people (American-Indians) make racial slurs as well.
So, yeah, the Ad Council is nothing more than a politicaly-correct pile of extreame far leftists, who are stuck in the 1960s, and don't realize that it is now 2002.

        Hoka hey!
Re:Momentarily... (Score:1)
by Tom on Saturday December 07, @08:59AM EST (#12)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
Hey Thundercloud! Good to see you. I missed you this last week. Read that it was a keyboard malfunction. Glad you are back with us!
Stand Your Ground Forum
Re:Momentarily... (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on Sunday December 08, @02:46AM EST (#13)
(User #1085 Info)
Thanks Tom.
Yeah, I'd had that keyboard for nearly 9 years.
I tried to save it..., but.
So I took it out and shot it.

(And before any feminists take that comment to heart, and say; "See? men are violent!", I didn't REALLY shoot the old keyboard. I just threw it out, okay?)
Re:Momentarily... (Score:1)
by Tom on Sunday December 08, @08:35AM EST (#14)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
LOL! I think shooting it sounded like a good idea to me. Did you ever see the movie "Office Space" where the guy smashes and tears up the copy machine that had tormented him for months? It was hilarious and I could relate.
Stand Your Ground Forum
Re:Momentarily... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday December 08, @12:34PM EST (#15)
Yeah that's a great movie. THey did a beat down against the machine in some abandoned field, that was hilarious. I loved that part of the movie. And some ganagsta rap song was playing saying something like "Damn, it's good to be a gangsta". We saw that at work, we hooked up a projector to a laptop with a dvd player and set up some chairs and food and watch it against a nice sized wall. I like that movie.

Re:Momentarily... (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on Monday December 09, @03:54AM EST (#20)
(User #1085 Info)
No, I've never seen that movie.
But I know where I could rent or buy it though. It sounds like it might be pretty funny.
However, I tend to stay away from most movies, now-a-days.
Some how, Some way, they ALWAYS seem to slip in some kind of anti-male scene(s) or message(s). So I've basicaly told Hollyweird to go screw it's self.
But, maybe I'll make an exeption, in this case.

boys to men designed by women (Score:1)
by cwfreeman on Friday December 06, @05:24PM EST (#3)
(User #588 Info)
To call this bias is downplaying its impact on society. With all the studies that can be cited about this topic that shows that DV is a two way street I think that this group is practicing fraud. If you click on the link with the boy changing to a mans face on the lower left side of the page you can tell them so yourself. There is a link to email them.
Let's act as a group...C'MON!... (Score:2, Informative)
by ppmnow (ppm_now@hotmail.com) on Friday December 06, @06:57PM EST (#4)
(User #1071 Info)
Contact these people on Monday and let them know how you feel!

You can reach the FVPF directly by e-mailing us at fund@endabuse.org or by contacting us at:

Family Violence Prevention Fund
383 Rhode Island St. Suite #304
San Francisco, CA 94103-5133

Phone: (415) 252-8900
Fax: (415) 252-8991
TTY: (800) 595-4889

Don't make the mistake of sitting back and waiting for others to do the work YOU should be doing. Ask your friends, men and women, to help out as well. Practice what you preach, gentlemen, and be 'activists'!

Mitchell A. Smith

"An ambiguous perspective is all you can hope for when initially confronted by that which you do not know."
Re:Let's act as a group...C'MON!... (Score:1)
by Tom on Friday December 06, @10:59PM EST (#6)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
I'm with you Mitchell. I noticed these banner ads some time ago and each time I see one I email them a similar message. Yes, it is important that we teach our boys not to be abusive, but what are you doing for our girls? I have only gotten one response and that one was canned and bigoted. If we all keep it up we can have an impact. Keep those cards and letters flowing!

Stand Your Ground Forum
They just don't know when to quit..... (Score:2, Interesting)
by Emanslave (Emanslave@aol.com) on Friday December 06, @08:23PM EST (#5)
(User #144 Info)
The FVPF can't seem to stop this blatant discrimination! Well guys, although I'm still speechless and upset, I have something for you to read...and please, have those people at FVPF read as well and understand...
-------------------------------------------------- -----

In my room, lies me, a broken soul
In the bed full of blood and a slipper in red with no sole
It remembers the tearings and beatings from the woman I love
Who cherished me like an infidel as a mangled dove

The first second she looks humbly at me
Reminding me of my adulterous aggression of my night at the sea
Of countless punishes and abuse words I sadly endure
To make me cry tears of blood while she lies above me with angry allure

So on and on, she screams pervert, but with a forcible kiss
I resist her mouth of red with my hurting abliss
Then strips me of my tie and lashes red lines on my back
She throws a vase of angels to my skull and it cracks

Rivers of red stream down my face
As I look for a cloth made of lace
The eighth second curdles to an end
Now I limp to my room with my knife as a mend

I say to myself, ‘alas, farewell, cruel girl’
I stab in my heart as its pain begins to curl
On my bed I lie dead, the end of what this horror meant
No more, furthermore, is my eight seconds in torment.
-------------------------------------------------- -----
this poem is about domestic violence, but about the male side of it. The side that these people do not want to hear about.

Guys, please write to these people and make them have a change of heart!!!

Good luck! And tell me what you think about the poem...

Emmanuel Matteer Jnr.


Re:They just don't know when to quit..... (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on Saturday December 07, @07:37AM EST (#11)
(User #1085 Info)
Good job on the poem, Emmanuel.
Something like that is lost on the organizers of this insipid DV campaign, though.

          Hoka hey!
effective activism (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday December 06, @11:07PM EST (#7)
Don't write to the Family Violence Prevention Fund. It's seems like nothing more than a front organization for frauds, bigots, and hate-mongers. They are probably too hate-filled to ever recognize the truth.

Instead, when you see one of their banner ads, write to the organization on whose page it appears. Or write to the Ad Council. Writing to anyone would be more effective than writing to them.

Re:effective activism (Score:2)
by Thomas on Saturday December 07, @12:32AM EST (#8)
(User #280 Info)
Don't write to the Family Violence Prevention Fund. It's seems like nothing more than a front organization for frauds, bigots, and hate-mongers. They are probably too hate-filled to ever recognize the truth.

Instead, when you see one of their banner ads, write to the organization on whose page it appears. Or write to the Ad Council. Writing to anyone would be more effective than writing to them.

Prepare a letter that can be sent to all of them, with at most a few revisions, and send it to every group named above. It won't hurt to let the Family Violence Prevention Fund know that we're here, we aren't going away, and we will bring out the truth.
DV can happen to anyone, but men? (Score:1)
by dcheney on Saturday December 07, @12:35AM EST (#9)
(User #175 Info) http://www.thecitizensvoice.org
Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior that one person uses against another. Abuse can be violent behaviors such as hitting, punching and slapping, but it doesn’t have to be physical. It can include verbal and emotional abuse. It can also involve sexual assault. It can happen to anyone, at any age, no matter what race or religion they are, no matter what their level of education or economic background. Domestic violence also occurs in same-sex relationships.

Notice how they mentioned every type of person that DV can happen against, except men?
FVPF belongs in their own Hall of Shame (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday December 08, @12:36PM EST (#16)
Go to:
Celebrity Watch,
Domestic Violence and Celebrities
Hall of Fame
Hall of Shame

When Paula Pounstone was convicted of felony child endangerment, she remained in the FVPF Hall of Fame for many months. After letters were written to elected California representatives, pointing this out, she was removed from the Hall of Fame, but was not placed in the Hall of Shame. How should we veiw this behavior of FVPF? The following is a quote from the FVPF page leading to the Hall of Fame and Hall of Shame:

“What does it mean when a company continues to use a known batterer as its celebrity spokesperson?”
“When we continue to view our celebrities as sexy or heroic even after they are known to be violent to their partners, we condone their behavior and perpetuate domestic violence by helping to create an environment in which violence is viewed as acceptable.”
“Domestic violence exists because we let it exist.”

Are these people blatantly sexist hypocrites or what? Now for the frosting on the cake. Every police car in the LAPD has a FVPF bumper sticker that says, “There’s No Excuse For Domestic Violence.”

When it comes to the subject of domestic violence, the FVPF, and the LAPD I have to ask the question, "Is this group and it’s ilk just a bunch of hypocrites who are contributing more to domectic violence than they are helping to solve it?"
Re:FVPF belongs in their own Hall of Shame (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday December 08, @12:48PM EST (#17)
The FVPF (like violent women) are not a responsible for their behavior contributing to domestic violence.

Exactly how much public money (grants) does this group receive as a result of VAWA?
This is a group like the d.v. shelters and the entire d.v industry sorely in need of a thorough government audit, and much, much closer government scrutiny. What a horrible abuse of taxpayer funding!
Re:FVPF belongs in their own Hall of Shame (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday December 08, @01:03PM EST (#18)
"What a horrible abuse of taxpayer funding!"

I get even angrier at this styuff when I realize I'm neing forced to pay for it~! Talk about abuse! What a good day it will be when hate mongers against males will be condemed by the public...If that ever happens that is.


Re:FVPF belongs in their own Hall of Shame (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday December 08, @07:19PM EST (#19)
Make sure it's an independent audit. I wouldn't trust these bigoted male bashers to do their own internal audit any further than I could spit.
I've called and left voicemail... (Score:1)
by ppmnow (ppm_now@hotmail.com) on Monday December 09, @01:22PM EST (#21)
(User #1071 Info)
Phone: (415) 252-8900

and I will call again and again, saying the following.

"Domestic violence is a product of women and girls, men and boys. It is equal opportunity as it knows no gender boundaries. Women; stop your violence against men. Women; end the circle of violence against men. Mothers; teach your daughters that solving problems with violence is wrong. Ad council; stop your violence against men. Stop your mistreatment and mislabeling of men. Show domestic violence for what it is - an equal opportunity reality. Women; stop your violence against men.”

Get out there, let them know that this kind of thing is unacceptable, voice your stance as loudly and proudly as possible!

Don't let a small group of people attack and determine your future. You own your life, so don't let it be chipped away at lest you find yourself cell bound for being chivalrous!

Stand up!

Mitchell A. Smith

"An ambiguous perspective is all you can hope for when initially confronted by that which you do not know."
..."violence against women is always wrong" (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on Tuesday December 10, @03:35AM EST (#22)
(User #1085 Info)
I have a bit of a problem with that sentence; "teach our boys that violence against women is ALWAYS wrong".
How LITERALY is that meant?
Sorry, but if some woman comes at me with a 12-inch kitchen knife, and I've got my back to the wall, I am NOT gonna just stand there and say to her, oh-so-very-sweetly; "Oh, I can't defend myself from you, because you're a woman, and violence against women is ALWAYS wrong..." then stand there cheerfuly while she repeatedly plunges the knife into my chest. No, I'm gonna do WHATEVER I have to do in order to survive, and if that includes punching her lights out in order to achieve that, then so be it!
I wouldn't do that BECAUSE she's a woman, I'd do it to keep from DYING! And I'd do it if it were a MAN trying to stab me, too.

Something else, Why are GIRLS not being taught that VIOLENCE AGAINST MEN IS ALWAYS WRONG???
What...? Violence against men is SOMETIMES right?!? or maybe ALWAYS right?!?

GOD! Just what ARE we doing to our children, and our FUTURE as human beings...?


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