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MaleDepression.com Opens with On-line Chat
posted by Scott on Tuesday December 03, @04:04PM
from the men's-health dept.
Men's Health Steve Imparl writes, "I am happy to announce that the inaugural chat at MaleDepression.com will take place on Tuesday, December 3, 2002, at 8:30 p.m. Central Standard Time. (This is Wednesday, December 4, 2002, at 02:30 GMT.) The chat will be held in MaleDepression.com's chat room at this page. This will be our first chat, so it will be a good idea for us to get acquainted with one another. We will talk about our experiences with depression, with particular emphasis on the male experience of this illness and the difficulties we have in seeking and continuing treatment. We'll also explore possibilities for the formats and themes of future chat sessions at MaleDepression.com. I hope you can join us for our first scheduled chat."

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