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Boston Globe Recognizing Men Abused by Women
posted by Scott on Tuesday November 12, @05:30PM
from the domestic-violence dept.
Domestic Violence CJ writes "The Boston Globe has recognized that men are abused by women by publishing Cathy Young's excellent article that points out that domestic violence policies are all too often influenced by an outdated, one-sided, and sexist view of abuse."

NCFM-LA's Web Site Additions | MANN Chat: Toward Male-friendly Family Law  >

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Excellent article (Score:2)
by Dr Evil on Tuesday November 12, @08:10PM EST (#1)
(User #1062 Info)
Excellent article and so glad to see it in a major paper. DV is going to be the first major breakthrough for us on a national level. It is only a matter of time before their house of cards built on hatred comes tumbling down. Let's keep chipping away. The cow is teetering.

Bravo Cathy Young!
Re:Excellent article (Score:1)
by Dan Lynch (dan047@sympatico.ca) on Tuesday November 12, @09:37PM EST (#2)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
Well said doctor.

I like this line from Cathy.:"Yes, some batterers believe that a man should keep his wife ''in line.'' "

Not only is it true about 'batterers' but as society points out to men who claim victimhood the response is all to often "What can't you keep your women 'in line'". This is by even women , men and the 'police' that men are trying to discuss this with.

Ya one sided is the right answer.
Dan Lynch
I like this one (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday November 12, @11:11PM EST (#3)
How odd that women will assault their female partners just as much as straight males will. Heresy!

"Studies also consistently show that violence is no less likely to occur in gay and lesbian relationships than in heterosexual ones - which also undercuts the notion that domestic violence is a product of male oppression of women."

Re:I like this one (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday November 13, @02:18PM EST (#6)
The studies on lesbian DV were something I looked into, also, a while back.
In the media, Lesbian DV is thrown in with heterosexual-female victims of DV. This is done to make it appear as if Men are wageing an all out war on Women. The Media makes certain that the public believes that ALL domestic violence is committed by MEN, against Women. But NEVER commited BY women (especialy NOT against MEN.). Then as I said they take the lesbian DV victims stats and the hetero-female DV victims stats, and put them together to make "one big report", then present it to the public as such.
This is of course done to make the problem of "Violence against women" (by men) seem MUCH BIGGER than it actually is.
This is of course known as "Social engineering".
The media is notorious for doing this. It often will tinker with statistics in order to control the way the public precieves things. This is done to actually control the public's thinking. It IS a type of "mind control". It is also done to control the way the public votes.
The VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) is a DIRECT RESULT of this sort of Media-meddeling.
I could go on about other ways the Media does these things, but I won't for now.
I'll just close by saying that this way of manipulation by the media influences even the most wary and sound-minded of people.
We MUST put a stop to this Orwellian garbage.

PS. Sorry I'm posting useing the "Anonymius user" thing again. My 'account' is malfunctioning, at the moment.
Re:I like this one (Score:2)
by frank h on Wednesday November 13, @02:56PM EST (#7)
(User #141 Info)
"Lesbian DV is thrown in with heterosexual-female victims of DV..."

This, of course, is because of the focus on the victim, and even in cases of lesbian DV, the victim is a woman. Did you encounter in your research any discussion of gay male victims? No? Again, that's because of the focus on the VICTIM. (I would note that the recent reading I've done on this subject indicates that lesbians are MORE violent than gay men, and given that lesbians are worse than gay men on DV, then this would REALLY tilt the scales.)

I'm sure you knew this, TC, but I just felt compelled to repeat the obvious :-)
good for The Globe! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday November 13, @10:17AM EST (#4)

It is the perpetuation of the inaccurate statistics that feminists use that keeps the court systems biased against men in divorce and domestic violence issues.

globe coverage (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday November 13, @01:52PM EST (#5)
i wish it were true. globe has long been very one-sided on this issue and have written several editorials in the past few years completely dismissing the idea that men are abused by women. they are only trying to a achieve the apearence of objectivity.

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