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Men's Groups Making Progress on DV Awareness
posted by Scott on Tuesday October 29, @09:00AM
from the domestic-violence dept.
Domestic Violence CJ writes "Here is a somewhat unbiased article that was prominently featured in The Boston Globe concerning domestic abuse. The headline and pictures associated with the article look like they are of standard feminist slanted variety that newspapers regularly publish. But this one presents men's issues as they relate to the domestic violence "industry." As usual, the local feminists have issue with the truth. PLEASE contact the Globe to support unbiased reporting like this, and send them facts and support on domestic violence issues."" letter@globe.com

Grassroots Campaign for Male-Friendly Judge in WA | Osteoporosis Ignored in Aging Men  >

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What can motivate someone to deny DV against men? (Score:1)
by John Knouten on Tuesday October 29, @12:26PM EST (#1)
(User #716 Info) http://www.geocities.com/masculistdetectives/

A) They may hate men and want men to be

B) They may be an abuser who does not want to
            be responsible for their actions.

C) They may just consider these men a fair
            sacrifice for the cause of presenting
            women as oppressed.

D) Maybe more then one of the above but if you
            look deeper at each denyer we will see
            at least one of the above.

Re:What can motivate someone to deny DV against me (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday January 04, @06:42PM EST (#3)
who, exacctly, has ever denied that there is DV against men? A citation please. The only people I see making these claims are FR guys, who fail to note that most abused men are abused by OTHER MEN. Why is men's violence against men, the greatest source of men's injuries and deaths not part of the discussion?
Also consider (Score:2)
by brad (brad@mensactivism.org) on Tuesday October 29, @04:29PM EST (#2)
(User #305 Info) http://www.student.math.uwaterloo.ca/~bj3beatt
the possibility that one might not have the necessary information to admit that it happens to men too.
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