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NCFM Announces New Web News Service
posted by Scott on Monday October 14, @02:49PM
from the National-Coalition-of-Free-Men dept.
National Coalition of Free Men Tom Williamson writes, "The National Coalition of Free Men (NCFM) has just initiated a brand new project at its web site. The new service is an automated news page that scans the internet for relevant headlines from magazines and from other web sites. Headlines will change every week and sometimes every day. Our material is divided up into five categories: Divorce, Civil Rights, Life Style, Health and Fashion. A short list of articles appears on the front page with a brief description. If you want to see a much longer list, simply click on MORE beneath the topic heading. Here is a really neat feature: There is an orange flag next to most of the individual articles. If you want to see a list of related articles click on the orange flag. This is great for anyone doing research; for anyone looking to find material to expand on a topic."

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