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Bumper Sticker Policy Change
posted by Scott on Saturday August 24, @03:09PM
from the announcements dept.
Announcements After catching up on the admin@mensactivism.org messages, I now see that an attempt is being made to flood MANN with bumper sticker requests, many which are obviously bogus. It is clear from the 30+ requests for free stickers each day starting around August 14 that there is a concerted effort being made to have me send stickers at my expense to people who will not be displaying them. It's likely that many of the requests are being made to random addresses, particularly overseas, to incur the greatest expense to me. Due to this problem, which I've been aware of the possibility of for some time, I must now discontinue our policy of sending the stickers at no cost. I will look into a reasonable pricing rate for the stickers, one for domsetic requests and one for international ones, and payment will only be accepted from valid PayPal accounts. I guess it was fun while it lasted... Update: The new bumper sticker prices and requirements have been updated. Click here for more info.

admin@mensactivism.org is Working Again | PA Legislative Effort for Presumptive Joint Custody  >

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Figures (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday August 24, @03:47PM EST (#1)
Doesn't matter how much good one tries to do in the world, some little piss-ant or pissed-off old fart always has to screw it up.


I hate the fucking Internet.

Actually, this could be a good thing -- (Score:1)
by Acksiom on Saturday August 24, @04:17PM EST (#2)
(User #139 Info)
-- as a strong case can be made for expense increasing motivation.

People value that which they pay for, more.

Non Illegitimi Carborundum, and KOT!
Re:Actually, this could be a good thing -- (Score:1)
by Dan Lynch (dan047@sympatico.ca) on Saturday August 24, @04:30PM EST (#3)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
I agree. It may lend to the commercialisation of the men's movement, which may leave some others out.

But if the cost can be low enough yet allow for you to afford more stickers etc... this is the path that could lead to bigger and better things for cheering on the 'team' if you will.
Dan Lynch
Re:Actually, this could be a good thing -- (Score:2)
by warble (activistwarble@yahoo.com) on Saturday August 24, @10:52PM EST (#5)
(User #643 Info)
-- as a strong case can be made for expense increasing motivation.

People value that which they pay for, more.

Actually this is great! The more opposition we get the more we know that we are having a possitive impact. We need lots more opposition like this. I live and crave the generating of opposition. It's yummy! It tastes great! Let's piss off the entire world of the radical feminist. Post stickers everywhere! I'll be making another donation to get more shortly.


Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Re:Actually, this could be a good thing -- (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday August 25, @01:01AM EST (#6)
This whole fiasco was probably orchestrated by some of our good friends in the Marx-fem movement.
Just goes to show you how mature they are.
And yeah, I agree, These stickers must pose a threat to SOMEBODY, in order to make them pull this little trick. ...Well..., They KNOW their days are numbered. (^-^)

Their days are numbered (Score:1)
by Ray on Sunday August 25, @09:36AM EST (#8)
(User #873 Info)

You wrote,

"And yeah, I agree, These stickers must pose a threat to SOMEBODY, in order to make them pull this little trick. ...Well..., They KNOW their days are numbered. (^-^)"

My reply:

Aldous Huxley wrote: "Time is the salve of life, and life is time's fool, and time which takes a survey of all the world must have a stop." ...and so too will stop the deviltry of the radical feminist movement like (if I may use this metaphorical imagery) a tall sky scraper coming down in a heap.

The arrogance of their touted invincibility forges my will to take them on in their ideological arena. Their clandestine, covert ops designed to confuse and demoralize our organization deepens my desire to coolly and clearly present our case against them to the world. If I stumble, if I fall I'll get back up, but if they trip me up woe to them for it is then my efforts find a miraculous power to redouble themselves (both personally, and in our collective, campaign against them).

I love the smell of the radical feminist's agenda in the morning for it is the smell of the barnyard dung heap, another commodity that has exhausted all useful function, and is worthwhile only to be plowed under in some idle field so that some useful, life engendering food my grow from its fetid, putrid remains.

My dad only had a 7th grade education so he was unable to instill much of the higher academic disciplines in me. He just taught me those irrefutable things, that could not be taught in books, concerning the nuances in the struggle of the natural elements on planet earth, “Life itself is a war to survive, from the moment of our birth to the grave, so spend no time engaging in a fools' agendas. Tell the truth and the lies, that give the fools' agendas their false empowerment, will be the instruments that cut them off from the viability of integrity and credibility.”

Man is the slave of radical feminism and radical feminism is mankind’s foolishness, and mankind’s foolishness which takes a survey of all the Western world will have a stop. There is no better place to begin an end of all foolishness, than with radical feminism. Telling the truth about the deviltry of the radical feminist’s agenda is sweeter than victory. It is the breath of life itself. It gives hope to a mind that could never be inseparably bound to their cruel, evil injustices if eternity itself waited for that to happen, and pounded me unmercifully with the political correctness of that Nazism.
Very Truly Yours, Ray

Re:Their days are numbered (Score:1)
by Ray on Sunday August 25, @09:48AM EST (#9)
(User #873 Info)

Should have written:

"spend no time engaging in fools' agendas."


"a fools' agendas."


Sorry, Ray
Re:Their days are numbered (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Monday August 26, @12:33AM EST (#23)
It's allright,Ray.
I was reading what you MEANT, Not what you wrote.

Anyway, I'm glad your on OUR side.(^-^)

Bogus Sticker Requests (Score:2)
by warble (activistwarble@yahoo.com) on Saturday August 24, @10:48PM EST (#4)
(User #643 Info)
August 14th and now you have massive requests to foreign countries. Do they happen to be Asian?

It is especially interesting because that is about the same day that I put a sticker up at a highly traveled location on a University Campus that is an mostly Asian student body.

They do have allot of contacts overseas. I just cannot wonder if some of the requests are legit. I just wonder if you’re getting a positive result or if it is in fact a hostile attack as you suggest.

One thing is for certain. I'm putting up allot more up in locations with lots of foot traffic.

I also know of at least one other University that is getting plastered with these stickers in high foot traffic locations. They must be having an impact.


Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Re:Bogus Sticker Requests (Score:1)
by DanCurry on Sunday August 25, @03:56AM EST (#7)
(User #245 Info)
If this was 1998, I'd believe it. Being 2002 and having an enemy as ruthless as the manhating Gender Feminists, I think it's more likely an attacked designed to hurt the fine people in the movement, especially those that are speaking up and visible on the web.
Re:Bogus Sticker Requests (Score:1)
by Scott (scott@mensactivism.org) on Sunday August 25, @11:05AM EST (#10)
(User #3 Info)
"August 14th and now you have massive requests to foreign countries. Do they happen to be Asian?"

Some were. But it was obvious that going from a handful of bumper sticker requests a week to 32 in a day was suspicious. The fact that 90%+ of them were from free webmail accounts such as hotmail and yahoo mail was another indicator.

All of the people who sent in requests will be contacted again, and will have the opportunity to buy the stickers, so we'll end up seeing how many were really interested in them.

Re:Bogus Sticker Requests (Score:1)
by Dan Lynch (dan047@sympatico.ca) on Sunday August 25, @01:05PM EST (#11)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
One thing is for sure, people are seeing them.
Dan Lynch
Re:Bogus Sticker Requests (Score:2)
by warble (activistwarble@yahoo.com) on Sunday August 25, @01:09PM EST (#12)
(User #643 Info)
All of the people who sent in requests will be contacted again, and will have the opportunity to buy the stickers, so we'll end up seeing how many were really interested in them.

Good idea. I would expect these University students to be using hotmail and yahoo. That is very popular for about 90% of them.


Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Re:Bogus Sticker Requests (Score:2)
by warble (activistwarble@yahoo.com) on Sunday August 25, @01:14PM EST (#13)
(User #643 Info)
The fact that 90%+ of them were from free webmail accounts such as hotmail and yahoo mail was another indicator.

This is a damn good indicator that we are having an impact. In less than a year now we'll see NCFM, LA expand to the university campuses in So. CA. I cannot wait. In the meantime, the stickers will continue to go up to prepare the student bodies for a men's issue debate and plant the seeds.


Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Re:Bogus Sticker Requests (Score:1)
by Scott (scott@mensactivism.org) on Sunday August 25, @01:26PM EST (#14)
(User #3 Info)
Warble, I can't thank you enough for putting those stickers up. I assume those were the ones I had sent to Marc for the NCFM LA chapter. It's a great help.

Re:Bogus Sticker Requests (Score:2)
by warble (activistwarble@yahoo.com) on Sunday August 25, @03:08PM EST (#15)
(User #643 Info)
Warble, I can't thank you enough for putting those stickers up. I assume those were the ones I had sent to Marc for the NCFM LA chapter. It's a great help.

One interesting fact is that a radfem professor of mine has stopped bringing up feminist issues in class. She has stopped because she knows that I will speak up and she knows that other students get more interested in the men's movement and start asking questions about men’s issues like paternity fraud.

It's funny, because when you know the facts and have the documentation, they cannot dispute the information (no matter how brilliant they are) without looking like fools to the other students. The radfem profs know this and so now they are tending to speak openly when members of the men's movement are absent.


Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Re:Bogus Sticker Requests (Score:1)
by Ray on Sunday August 25, @03:09PM EST (#16)
(User #873 Info)
Before I read your string I was thinking, "Gee it really sounds like the on campus women's studies programs, those places where they take our tax payer dollars, and use them to train our youth to hate men, got ahold of this and used it as a feminist activist project."

    They would absolutely hate to see the truth come out, being the bastion of unscholarly inanity that they are. College campus are very fertile places for the men's movement to spread the message of truth concerning our issues. That is also, all the more reason, to conduct ourselves in credible and responsible ways as we expand into that arena.
Re:Bogus Sticker Requests (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Monday August 26, @12:44AM EST (#24)
((("College campus are very fertile places for the men's movement to spread the message of truth concerning our issues.")))

Yeah, They ought to be FERTILE, Ray. With the radfems there there's more than ENOUGH fertilizer.

Re:Bogus Sticker Requests (Score:1)
by AFG (afg2112@yahoo.ca) on Sunday August 25, @03:44PM EST (#17)
(User #355 Info)
"In less than a year now we'll see NCFM, LA expand to the university campuses in So. CA."

Can you elaborate on this please? I hope this a fact and not just wishful thinking.
I program my home computer; beam myself into the future.
Re:Bogus Sticker Requests (Score:2)
by warble (activistwarble@yahoo.com) on Sunday August 25, @06:16PM EST (#19)
(User #643 Info)
Can you elaborate on this please? I hope this a fact and not just wishful thinking.

It'll start by having NCFM,LA hold a free pizza party and then having a guest speaker talk about men's issues. They hope to be able to get somebody like Glenn Sacks or Warren Farrell to talk.

The advertising will involve posters on every bulletin board. They will be worded to appeal to the youth. We will look for sympathetic profs to allow us to talk to their students. NCFM, LA has plans to hit every campus in the L.A. area.

Naturally, the radfems will show up and try to disrupt the party. But that is okay because he more opposition the better the advertisement on campus. Opposition creates curiosity.

Right now the biggest problem NCFM, LA has is not if they will grow how they are going to manage the growth they already have.


Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Bumper sticker page has been updated. (Score:1)
by Scott (scott@mensactivism.org) on Sunday August 25, @06:01PM EST (#18)
(User #3 Info)
I've now finished updating the bumper sticker page, and included the rates for the stickers. The people who have requested stickers before now will receive an e-mail shortly with a temporary reduced rate from the listed prices, and an explanation of what went on.

I no longer require people to be registered MANN users or to promise to display the sticker publicly. Those were only what I used to ask for in return for getting a free sticker. It really was a good trade based on the honor system. I wish it could continue to be that way, but alas, it cannot.

Re:Bumper sticker page has been updated. (Score:1)
by Dan Lynch (dan047@sympatico.ca) on Sunday August 25, @07:21PM EST (#20)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
"It really was a good trade based on the honor system. I wish it could continue to be that way, but alas, it cannot."

Growing pains. I think this is a good change of events. Even though I still want more stickers.

Dan Lynch
Re:Bumper sticker page has been updated. (Score:1)
by The Gonzo Kid (NibcpeteO@SyahPoo.AcomM) on Sunday August 25, @08:15PM EST (#21)
(User #661 Info)
...or to promise to display the sticker publicly.

I'd go ahead and keep that part, Scott. Make them be liars, too. And it's on their own conscience.

Pay to be liars. Jeez, only a serious and hard-core pheminazi would go there.
---- Burn, Baby, Burn ----
A bumper sticker story (Score:1)
by Ragtime (ragtimeNOSPAM@PLEASEmensrights.ca) on Sunday August 25, @10:34PM EST (#22)
(User #288 Info)
A couple months ago, on a long weekend, I was on my way up to the family cottage to spend some time with my folks, and I got pulled over for speeding.

The cops were on another so-called 'Long weekend crack-down to improve road safety,' but everyone knows it's just a cash grab by the provincial government.

Anyway, the cop seemed a decent sort of guy, and we got to chatting a bit, and I said to him that, while I realized he didn't have to, I'd really appreciate it if he could give me a break on the ticket. He just kinda said, "we'll see..." and went back to his car to do his paperwork stuff.

Afterwards, as he was walking back to my car, I noticed him in the mirror pausing to read the MensActivism bumper sticker on the back.

When he got to my window, he just started right in telling me about how he's really fed up with all the male bashing, how he rarely watches TV anymore, how, because of it, he has to take extra time with his young son trying to explain how it's just not true -- that men and boys actually AREN'T stupid/evil/rude.

We got into quite a discussion. It was kinda funny: here he was talking with me while his partner was busy pulling over cars that needed to be processed. Eventually they got so backed up that he had to get back to work.

And he knocked my ticket down to the bare minimum. [grin]

I love watching in the mirror the faces of the people in the car behind me when I get stuck in traffic on my way to work. I've had lots of men, and even a few women, give me a grin and a 'thumbs-up.' I've seen more than a few women get all huffy, and a few have made downright unfriendly gestures. I guess those are the ones who *aren't* tired of the male bashing.

Probably most amusing, though, are the couples...

I've had my sticker for over a year and I figure maybe fifty or so people get close enough to read the sticker in traffic every day I drive to work. I have no idea how many more see it while it's parked. Ain't it grand?


The opinions expressed in this posting are my own, but you're welcome to adopt them.

Re:A bumper sticker story (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Monday August 26, @12:53AM EST (#25)
This is the kind of story I LOVE reading.
It has a hero,
a moral,
and best of all a happy ending.

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