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I found this information at the site. Hopefully it will be helpful.
Carol Delaney's email:
Her supervisor:
Ellen Christensen
Department Administrator
With more research I am sure someone can find more bodies up the chain. I am emailing her the link to DLJ for an answer to her question.
by Anonymous User on Wednesday August 07, @05:22PM EST (#2)
I sent her an email yesterday and got an auto response saying that she was unable to check her mail for a while.
May I allow myself a tiny little, teehee?
Anyway, the contact info is all at the DLJ. I'm getting amazing numbers of website hits, so I hope it spills over here. (Yes there is a prominent link to MANN)
Here's the URL again for those who may have missed it:
Happy trails!
Trudy wrote:
May I allow myself a tiny little, teehee?
I think you're entitled to it. :)
I'm reminded of the woman in New Zealand who proposed that Father's Day should become a day of atonement for men and the shitstorm that came down on her and the bureaucrats who nodded approvingly. We're getting better at this.
I sent her an email yesterday and got an auto response saying that she was unable to check her mail for a while.
I this like, "Not now, honey. I have a headache?"
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Mary Kay LaTourneau? That lady in Texas who murdered her five children? The one before that who drove her pickup into the gulf of Mexico with her kids in it (that George W. laughed at as he declined to sign a clemency order)? How's about them apples?
by Anonymous User on Thursday August 08, @12:17AM EST (#7)
Dear Dr. Hennessey,
With courageous leadership, Stanford University could take the lead in addressing a serious problem.
In a recent letter to the San Francisco Chronicle (Aug. 5, 2002), Stanford Professor Carol Delaney has clearly highlighted the problem. She has studied "news accounts of the horrible abductions and murders of children and of sexual abuse of children by priests" and observed that, in all these accounts, "These hideous crimes are being committed by men." Perhaps that's a small contribution to Stanford's tradition of sophisticated research and insightful analysis.
More importantly, Stanford Professor Delaney has noted an absence of discussion of this issue. She wrote, "We need to be asking what has gone so wrong in the rearing of males in this society? Those who might be able to tell us, do not. I am disappointed by the silence of decent men who are not taking this on as a men's problem." You, I presume, are a decent man. What are you doing about men's problems?
While Professor Delaney seems to suggest that only men should consider men's problems, I think you should promote a more broad-minded approach. There may in fact exist some particularly compassionate women who care about men's problems. Leaders at Stanford University and intellectual centers around the world should heed Professor Delaney's message: there has been an astonishing silence in academia and public life about men's issues. Leaders at Stanford University and intellectual centers around the world should examine their priorities in light of this problem.
Some suggestions:
1) Educate yourself about men's issues. I suggest that you start by looking at the various topics on You can then attempt to investigate further these topics through various, traditional resources. In the midst of many Women's Studies programs, Gender Studies programs, Feminist Studies programs, and endless literature on gender, you'll notice few distinctly male voices and little appreciation for men's issues.
2) Organize a colloquium on men's reproductive rights. Some suggested questions: Why don't men have any reproductive rights? In what ways do paternity and child support laws devalue, monetize, and criminalize male sexuality? What are the social implications of this view of male sexuality for men, children, and women?
3) Speak out about the growing female/male imbalance in higher education in the US. Encourage your colleagues to think and talk about what can be done to make higher education more attractive to males. Encourage study of the social, political, and economic implications of having twice as many female college graduates as male college graduates. State clearly that the sex ratio among all college graduates should be a much more important concern to thinking persons than the sex ratio among elite facility in elite departments at elite universities like Stanford.
4) Nurture a facility with minds that range beyond pondering sensational newspaper headlines. Within the home, domestic violence against men has been tragically and grossly ignored. In the workplace, men are disproportionately represented in the most physically dangerous jobs. Culture often presents men as disposable, the class of persons who should be the last off sinking ships. Men are much more likely to subject to violent victimization than women. State-sanctioned punishment (largely deprivation of freedom, occasionally death) is disproportionately applied to men. Finally, while the future may be different, war has historically been structured as male-on-male violence. Surely there are issues regarding violence and males that could engage active, open minds in the rich environment at Stanford. Try to make this happen.
Right now, Stanford's intellectual contribution on men's issues compares badly to a number of Internet discussion groups. Given Stanford's vast endowment of minds, money, and institutional capability, Stanford should be able to do better. I hope you will lead the way.
J. Plumber
by Anonymous User on Thursday August 08, @02:03AM EST (#8)
(("We need to be asking, What has gone so wrong in the rearing of males in this society?"))
You have to ASK that question?!?
From the moment males are BORN they are taught to hate themselves. As they go through life ALL they EVER hear is just how LOATHSOME they are!
They hear it from Feminists, They hear it from women in general in and out of the work place, They hear it from politicians, Television, Movies, The courts (Family and otherwise) the federal government, etc, etc.
The barrage is CEASELESS.
"Men are pigs", "Its's a woman's world, men just live in it", "Only men commit domestic violence",
"Dead beat dads", "lorenna Bobbit", "Girl power", "Girls rule, boys drool", "kick him in the balls", "Men are dogs", "Men are scum", "Cheatin' husband", On and On and On!!
What has gone wrong with the rearing of males?
The question SHOULD be a rhetorical one.
I believe it was Albert Einestine that said; ..."For each action there is an opposite and EAQUAL reaction."
When one sees the ACTION that has been put forth upon males in society, The REACTION should not be any suprise.
And males ARE REACTING! Wrong or right, They ARE REACTING.
NOTHING exists in a vaccum!
Male voices have been censored, rendered "Non-sense." When a cry for justice goes unheared, It inevitably becomes a cry of RAGE.
THIS is (again in my oppinion) EXACTLY what we are seeing happening NOW.
As some visitors to this site know, I DO have a working theory on this matter allready.
If I had any mod-fu right now I'd give you +1 for that. What is your working theory? Even if it's rough I'd like to read it.
by Anonymous User on Friday August 09, @01:45AM EST (#19)
I wrote sort of an exaustive post somewhere around here on this site on my "theory" as to why we are seeing a "marked increase" in the kidnappings and (in some cases) subsequent murders of young women and girls.
My previous posting WAS my theory in the proverbial "nut shell".
I just basicaly believe that Men are reaching a saturation point when it comes to the anti-male climate in this country. By in large we (men) have little to NO out-let for the anger and frustration we are feeling and it is inevitably begining to manifest it's self in the form of things like the forementioned 'kidnapping' senerios. as well as in other ways. Some one else asked if I thought school shootings are also a manifestation of this, And I soundly DO believe they are.
Metaphoricaly speaking, It's like squeezing a tube of tooth paste with the cap on. Eventualy, inevitably that tube of tooth paste will, MUST burst.
As long as men are continualy marginalized, censored, de-valued and striped of their constitutional and civil rights etc. things IMO, are going to get MUCH worse.
The men who commit these crimes are, I believe, lashing out.
They feel powerless (and in many cases they ARE.)
In their minds, Kidnapping, rape even murder gives them a sence of power. They are, again in their minds, also getting revenge on "women" who they believe have been instrumental in in TAKEING their power. In a way they may be right, It is their WAY of dealing with their powerlessness that is wrong.
I think Marc Lupine is a GLAREING example of my theory in practice. (I hope I'm spelling his name right.)
...Anyway, Hunsvotti, that is my (very) rough theory.
Remember, It IS just a "theory", I have. I may just be full of hot air, on this one, I don't know.
Hey Thundercloud, don't forget that incident where one of the "nice lady teachers" tried to get 10 shirts out on the school yard that said "boy power" and she was shut down real fast by the feminist elite. Meanwhile "girl power" was the norm. Christsakes we are talking about 10 year old kids here.
Seriously will somebody sue those fucking teachers already.
. I am suggesting a "Not Every Man is Marc Lepine Day" December 5th.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Saturday August 10, @03:33AM EST (#27)
Yeah, I'd FORGOT about that one! Thanx for the remind, Dan.
The Fembots do so MUCH stupid stuff it's hard for me to remember all of it.
"J. Plumber "
You might have to explain what "equal protection under the law" means.
But then again those 'constitutions, and human bill of rights' thingys are just a couple of rags anways.
. I am suggesting a "Not Every Man is Marc Lepine Day" December 5th.
Dan Lynch
Woman, NOT MEN, commit the majority of abuse/neglect/murder, but men are the problem?
This is a big part of the problem and why we can't seem to solve many of our social ills. Feminist like this, would rather scapegoat men than accept the fact that BOTH genders and our society as whole must be stand up and take responsiblity. This means addressing female abuse equally with male abuse.
A number of years ago an English journalist by the name of David Thomas wrote a book called 'Not Guilty: The Case in Defense of Men' (brief description at 94/page23.html). In it he demolishes various feminist (ie. manhating) myths, and clarifies the subject of child abuse by pointing out that women batter more children than men, they batter them more violently than men, and they murder more children than men - and boys are significantly more likely to be victims than girls.
Look at the news media, however, and you could be forgiven for thinking you're living on a different planet. At the moment here in England one of the biggest news stories is that of two girls who went missing from home a few days ago and are believed to have been abducted. Today their picture was on the front of nearly all the national newspapers. It echoes a similar case earlier this year when a girl went missing and the media gave saturation coverage of the story. I cannot recall any such response from the media in relation to a missing boy. Don't boys ever go missing? Apparently not. And that's the point: apparently. If you rely on the media for your image of the world, the impression you'll get will not reflect reality. Where are all the battered boys and the women who batter or murder them? And why is it that when a woman is caught red-handed the first reaction of so many is to make excuses for her?
If Professor Carol Delaney is only seeing men harming children, it says nothing about men but plenty about the media and our attitudes to men in general. There is a problem, but it isn't with men as such. It lies with those who have created and promoted such a set of attitudes that men can only be seen through the manhating feminist filter of perception. 'Man=bad, woman=good'; isn't that what we're all meant to think so as to avoid the charge, invented by manhaters, of 'sexism'? I do so hope that the time will soon come when everyone sees through this shit. That can't come a day too soon. Not an hour. Not a minute.
Really, the furor over the good Doctor's statements is a little funny. Fact is, her questions are self-evidently stupid when you look at the facts.
She asks what is wrong with the way we raise "males" (gotta love the zoological sound of that term) in this country.
First, the problem that exists with abduction is arguably no different than it was five years ago. It's been a surprisingly slow summer for news (the Middle East is a spectacle, but a merry-go-round nonetheless), and this rash of kidnappings does not represent so much a spike in incidents as a spike in news coverage.
That aside, she is right that there is something wrong with the "males" in our country. Let's see...well, she's a sociologist, and as a pseudoscientist that gives her a reasonable grounding in the principle of scientific investigation, if not an uncorrupted understanding of it. So, it should seem obvious to her, that the answer to her question is: How has the situation of young boys changed in, say, the last sixty years?
Seems a hell of a lot of them are being raised by single mothers. Seems a lot of them are attending schools more afraid of lawsuits than lawless children. Seems feminists and sociologists (such as herself) have essentially had their way with family life, welfare law, education from K-College, and everything else relevant to rearing society's young.
So, good Doctor, I say this: Your question is excellent. But you're deliberately overlooking the most obvious answers to your query. The fact that you would even ask it in such a way, posing the question to decent men who didn't create the problem to start with, shows willful ignorance on your part.
People of, the woman is in the very same denial that most of society is. They're staring the problem dead in the face, and refusing to accept what common sense tells them.
But as long as we're talking about the collective guilt of men, and their supposed responsibility to "take this up as a men's issue," I have a suggestion for the good Doctor. Why do we men have to clean up the messes that social engineers like yourself have created? Why do we have to take the blame for problems you created, as a result of social and legal policies sensible men and women have loudly resisted for years? When you create havoc in society with your half-baked theories about "social construction," why does picking up the pieces turn into a "men's issue?" Maybe deep down, you finally are beginning to recognize what the rest of us have known for a long time when it comes to raising and civilizing our boys: Don't send a feminist to do a man's job.
by Anonymous User on Friday August 09, @02:01AM EST (#20)
You articulated your message with absolute BRILLIANCE!
You ought to send a copy of your post to Dr. Delany.
However, if she's like most feminists, she is probably pretty "thick", and she may not get (or simply ignore) what you're saying.
But, still it couldn't hurt.
Again, brilliant!! (not to mention POWERFUL!)
This is late in coming, but thanks very much! I thought about sending it to her, but my experience with academics is that they are impenetrably ignorant of the real know, that place where all their theories fail miserably, to the suffering of everyone else.
Glad you liked it!
by Anonymous User on Thursday August 08, @02:15PM EST (#12)
It occurs to me, with the rise of divorce (Usually unilaterally decided on by the woman) and the alienation of fathers from their families and children (Ditto on the unilaterally decided on by a woman, in collusion with the State) that these "evil men" are being raised and taught to be evil... women.
Well, well, well. Things that make ya go "Hmmmmmm." Ain't that a kicker?
Ooh. How very un-PC of me to point out an obvious truth.
Well, MS Delany. What say you to that? Huh? Well? We are waiting. (Sound of crickets) I thought as much.
Once again, the best man for the job - is a man.
"Aren't universities wonderful places? I shudder to think what our country would be like if such disagreements were not permitted.
John Etchemendy
You are absolutely right, Mr. Etchemendy, and that is precisely the kind of world Professor Delaney seems to want. Where the only people permitted to disagree are women. Shudder away, sir.
Those who claim to be brutally honest, enjoy the brutality more than the honesty.
Provost John Etchemendy, et. al.:
I am writing to you about an article that was published in the San Francisco Chronicle on August 5, 2002 by Dr. Carol Delaney titled, “CRIMES ARE BY MALES.” Dr. Delaney stated at the end of her article that she was an Associate Professor at Stanford University. I am also writing to you about your subsequent reply to Trudy Schuett, concerning Dr. Delaney’s article, in which you enumerate some of Stanford’s policies, and use them to rationalize the existence of Dr. Delaney’s article. Your letter to Trudy Schuett, and Dr. Delaney’s article are both accessible through Mens News Daily, http:\\ tm
In your letter you state, “I shudder to think what our country would be like if such disagreements were not permitted.” Personally, I’m shuddering now to see what you and your ilk have done to the good, decent men of our country with such hate speech (based on gender) as that uttered by Dr. Delaney in the aforementioned article. Since you are a top ranking administrator at Stanford University (Provost), and such a great defender of free speech, I beg your indulgence to the following few words I submit for your consideration.
With any great freedom goes an equally great responsibility not to misuse or abuse it. Dr. Delaney appears to have become undisciplined in her critical thinking to the point, that she has allowed assumptions to be made and stated that are not substantiated with proper research and facts.
Furthermore, although you state, in reference to Dr. Delaney’s article that you, “happen disagree with the substance,” you go on to say that, “Stanford... ...#1. “tolerates, and indeed encourages, a broad diversity of opinions... and open debate.” You ask, ““I would be interested to know which of the above policies you consider a “tragedy.”?”
The “tragedy” has been the irresponsible and obtuse use of free speech to spread hatred onto a victimized and oppressed class of people (men), while under the guise of a respected member of the faculty of a prestigious university (Stanford). Dr. Delaney says, “These hideous crimes are being committed by men.” I say, “a small percentage of all men.” Dr. Delaney says, “What has gone so wrong in the rearing of men in this society.” I say, “Look directly at what has gone wrong in the lives of those individual men, and do not link all “men” into one group as if to say we are all in some way involved in committing those heinous crimes.” At Stanford University, apparently, it is condoned that this kind of aforementioned, irresponsible, hate speech is allowed to be spewed upon the developing young minds who are held captive to the graduation requirements of their discipline. Is this a captive audience who, in the long term, may come to focus their learned prejudice onto that, now demonized, class of battered and victimized men that Dr. Delaney has so maligned.
To be specific, let me say that I am equally concerned about: #1. the victimization of men by this negative stereotyping, and #2 the developing of young minds at Stanford into a prejudiced view point of the male gender. When I considering the destruction and tragedy that has been wrought on this world by the atrocities of the Nazi era in history I am disgusted to find any flavor of that kind of prejudiced and demented reasoning still going on.
The bigoted spiel put on by Dr. Delaney in her article sickens me. Without the facade of your prestigious university (Stanford) attached to her story, I would not have been nearly so outraged. If, while standing in the checkout line, I had encountered Dr. Delaney’s story on the cover of some supermarket tabloid, a vehicle much more suited to her hip shooting style of unscholarly sensationalism, I would have taken it much more in stride.
Vilifying hate speech against all men as a evil homogeneous group, having no individual differences or redeeming qualities, must have a stop, NOW! I, for one, will not tolerate being treated so hatefully just for being male and alive.
As a California taxpayer, I am appalled that even one cent of my hard earned money should go to such an institution as yours. Your Ombudsperson’s ethical principals document states that she does not act on 3rd party complaints. Therefore, based on the above paragraphs, the comments of Dr. Delaney and subsequently you, I have no recourse but to say that it is my layman’s “opinion” that any “MAN” ( faculty member, student, or staff) who has the misfortune to be actively involved with Stanford University would be wise to contact the Ombudsperson directly at Stanford University and file a complaint concerning the verifiably hostile environment that men are subject to there, because of their gender. This would go double for any male student who is enrolled in any course of study under Dr. Carol Delaney.
If any male faculty member had uttered such hateful nonsense about women as Dr. Delaney uttered about men, I suspect he would already be subject to the “politically correct” discipline process, and most likely be on his way out the door. Isn’t it about time men see some equal justice in these kinds of affairs or is this just another area in the institutionalized mindset, where the only thing seen is CRIMES ARE BY MEN?
Sincerely, Ray Blumhorst
| |
by Anonymous User on Thursday August 08, @08:30PM EST (#16)
Carol Delaney is another communist brain dead feminazi bitch that should be taken outside and shot.
If you make peaceful change make violent revolution inevitable.President John F Kennedy
I would like to propose a test for nti-male bigotry: the woman/man to white/black transform. This transform substitutes "white" for "woman" and "black" for "male"; anti-male bigotry might not be so obvious in the gender (woman/man) domain, however, under the transform, anti-male bigotry, if it is present, is converted into racism in the race (white/black) domain, where it is presumably obvious even to radical feminists.
Let's take the original text of Carol Delaney's letter, which is as follows:
Editor -- Many of us have been emotionally wrenched by news accounts of the horrible abductions and murders of children and of sexual abuse of children by priests. But no one is stating the obvious: These hideous crimes are being committed by men.
We need to be asking what has gone so wrong in the rearing of males in this society? Those who might be able to tell us, do not.
I am disappointed by the silence of decent men who are not taking this on as a men's problem. They have much to contribute to solving this human tragedy.
Associate professor
Department of Cultural
and Social Anthropology
Stanford University
Now let's apply the woman/man to white/black transform systematically to the text; you are forewarned that the result is unimaginably racist and would have led to the immediate dismissal of the professor.
Editor -- Many of us have been emotionally wrenched by news accounts of the horrible abductions and murders of children and of sexual abuse of children by priests. But no one is stating the obvious: These hideous crimes are being committed by blacks.
We need to be asking what has gone so wrong in the rearing of blacks in this society? Those who might be able to tell us, do not.
I am disappointed by the silence of decent black men who are not taking this on as a black men's problem. They have much to contribute to solving this human tragedy.
xxxxx xxxxxxx
Associate professor
Department of Cultural
and Social Anthropology
xxxxxxxx University
This example illustrates how the transform converts anti-male bigotry (intolerane in the gender domain) to bigotry in the race domain.
We can also see how even men's activists react differently to the modified version--its unapologetic racism elicits our horror; on the other hand, on account of our learned acceptance of anti-male bigotry (we take our beating like men), the gender intolerance of the original does not.
It is for this reason that I propose transforming text from the gender domain into the race domain. Our reaction to the original should the same as the one that the modified racist version produces. We should come to recognize the profound anti-male bigotry of Professor Delaney's comment, which is, as this exercise demonstrates, morally no better than racism.
That was astronomically brilliant, Mars! Well done. Superlative. Extra special. On the ball.
Fembots have taken fathers out of the picture, fathers who are the guides and disiplanerians.
Funny this chick says "those who can tell us don't" Well lets put the blame on the single mothers the women who have the morality of a weasal who think its okay to commit fraud, to assault people to tell lies and harm little children. Who else are these "men" getting their role models from. As most criminals are "fatherless". Trudy says that across the board that women are commiting more and more crime. Im beginning to think that it was always there.
. I am suggesting a "Not Every Man is Marc Lepine Day" December 5th.
Dan Lynch
by Anonymous User on Friday August 09, @07:06PM EST (#23)
Heed my words you radical feminist you have sowed the wind, but you will reap the whirlwind. There’s a storm of righteous law a commin’ on your evil laws and it can’t come too soon. May God bless this end himself, and may good men and women everywhere join together to see it through.
If you really want to see a deeper insight into the radical feminist bigotry that drives this woman then go to's book section, and type, ABRAHAM ON TRIAL in the search window. You will read about her insight into the evil patriarchy that she must have learned so much about in her Women's Studies courses.
One critque of her book says, "Delaney seems to conceive her conclusion about the story of Abraham first and then read this conclusion into all the texts at her disposal."
It appears she has a pattern of forming an opinion without establishing a basis in fact for her beliefs.
In other words, "I conclude, therefore all facts must fit my conclusion."
Dr. Delaney could learn a thing or two about humility and honesty from the great patriarch.
In my take on the letter, Dr. Delaney "didn't blame all men," she blamed society in the manner in which it reared male children, and and challenged decent men to explain what could be done.
I had been conducting some writings on the denial of male sexuality in society, and this coincided with this issue; specifically, puritanical dogmas typically denied male sexuality altogether, while feminist political agendas seek to equate female sexuality with male, or even or even flaunt it as superior, both in stark indifference to scientific evidence.
As a result, men are not only denied and neglected but also belittled and abused, with the resulting conflict creating inevitable malajustment and dysfunction.
I'd like to ask what type of instruction that various men received on sexuality from their parents, schools etc; my own education taught only the biological aspect, while omitting the sexual and emotional aspect altogether.
To date, I don't believe much as changed, save for the internet, which contains a severe degree of misinformation and misandry from hidden feminist agendas-- to date, I haven't found a single site which contains the complete truth regarding male sexualty, but rather the same old puritanical and feminsts myths.
With this type of denial and self-serving distortion of his true nature, how could an individual NOT respond in a harmful manner?
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