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I have the book and I read it, and I recommend it for every man who wants to see an unabashedly male point of view.
Further, I recomend you purchase this book from a mainstream bookseller such as Border's Books or Barnes and Noble. Zubaty concurs with this (told me so in an email). That way, these idiots start to see these books pass through their inventory and eventually books like this will get legitimized: published, distributed, and maybe even stocked for the casual book shopper to see and read.
Well I hope you're not just boosting because I just ordered a copy of this (and sexploytation) from Amazon. I was a little surprised that they link to a user written guide to "deprogramming your feminazi girlfriend" when you seach for this book.
Those who like this sort of thing
will find this the sort of thing they like.
"deprogramming your feminazi girlfriend"
Wow! I gotta go check this out! :-)
by Anonymous User on Monday August 05, @01:22PM EST (#4)
(("Deprogramming your feminazi girlfriend."))
Yeah, Theyr'e not called "FEMBOTS" for nuthin'.
By the way, I've got to ask..;
What man in his right MIND would have a FEMINAZI GIRLFRIEND in the first place?!?
That's like Me (an Indian) haveing a Ku Klux Klan girlfriend!!
No..., Really, Think about it!
by Anonymous User on Tuesday August 06, @02:21PM EST (#5)
I've read the review and that's enough for me. This is just another of those 'one gender feels oppressed by the other' crap. I am not interested in being told what I should be like as a man by anybody, including Mr Zubaty. I'm my own person. I'm an individual. This book is just another crappy piece of conditioning. First we get told we're a slave to our male libido, now we're supposed to be praying. I am praying...for this book to end up in the toilet where it belongs!
As for the bit about if a man could do what he wants, he'd be off fishing and peeing whenever he felt inclined, I don't think I've ever read such crap. Since when has a man not been able to pee when he wants?! Or it there a sudden shortage of urinals and toilets on the planet?! Have all the pissers been abducted by aliens?
Anyhow, I say think for yourself. Be your own man, not some wuss who needs another guy to tell him how he should be.
This is just another of those 'one gender feels oppressed by the other' crap. I am not interested in being told what I should be like as a man by anybody, including Mr Zubaty. I'm my own person.
I'm sure there have been a lot of fair and reasonable-minded women who were compelled and invigorated by the anti-male polemics of Germaine Greer, Marilyn French and Gloria Steinem, and at the end of it all, managed to mine from those works what was fair and reasonable minded (perhaps very little in some of those cases) and put that into practice while at the same time dismissing of the respective writers' more extreme viewpoints like so much excess chaff. Call it "I-agree-that-women-are-getting-the-shaft-but-I-st ill-think-boys-are-cute-and-mostly-good" feminism, if you will.
Men's activists ultimately can do the same with works like that of Rich Zubaty. Like the reviewer of this piece, I don't agree with everything Zubaty says either. I also don't agree with everything said by Warren Farrell, Camille Paglia, et. al. I simply take what I do agree with and try and build on that, and simply ignore or question what I don't agree with. Perhaps the methods of my selectivity are essentially wrong, but they work for me. Call me a "I-agree-that-men-are-getting-the-shaft-but-I-stil l-think-women-are-equal-and-cute-and-mostly-good" masculinist, if you will.
I'll admit, with a guilty smile, that most of Zubaty's more extreme opinions of male and female nature I would like to believe are true, and might even privately entertain the notion that they are, but I would never apply them blindly or automatically to my daily dealings with women or men (I try to judge everybody individually)
I'm also slightly irritated by the way the reviewer - after eagerly agreeing that traditional male stereotypes are wrong and demeaning to men - still compulsively reverts at one point to the most insulting (and seemingly innocent) image of men as amiable savages, inclined to run around naked and pee wherever the urge takes us if only we were free to do so. I'm sorry, but the men's movement can't go around complaining about men being denied equal benefit of a civilized society while simultaneously espousing the notion that men, as a group, truly are less civilized. While I feel that this stems from an admirable characteristic of men - that we can be as shamelessly self-effacing on certain points as we are shamelessly chauvanistic on others - I think it is detrimental to a movement for equality. Feminists truly do adhere to the dogma that women can do anything men can do (and better), yet even some of the most fervent male activists still cling to certain age-old male inferiority complexes like a security blanket.
Which brings me to my primary criticism of Zubaty's thesis - and one that seems shared by other similar men's liberationists. A lot of these guys aren't really for liberation at all. They want liberation from feminists, yes, but they don't want freedom from gender roles and expectations per se - because as they see it, freedom from gender roles and expectations means leaving the male gender free to do absolutely nothing constructive.
For me, liberation ultimately means the freedom to just be yourself - to find out what kind of person you are, regardless of what is expected of you on account of your make and model, and to design your life to best suit your individual preferences and abilities. And that whole idea seems to be missing from most Zubaty-esque polemics. I guess it may be an example of the masculine "teamwork" meme referred to in the book review - that men are herd creatures who advocate a kind of cult mentality as opposed to individuality ("individuality" being perhaps synonymous with the word "AWOL"). Instead of demanding that feminists and society leave men alone and allow us to simply each be ourselves, they demand that feminists and society leave men alone so that Deer Gods and drum-beating grandfathers and uncles can commandeer our minds instead! The abiding principle on both sides of the track seems to be that males need indoctrination of some sort. But is masculinity - the good kind, anyway - really such an artificial construct that it can't survive in the absence of rite and ritual?
I don't know - but I think I'll leave it up to myself to figure that out. However, I will use what makes sense to me about Zubaty's philosophy to assist in my search for the truth, even as I have doubts about other aspects of it. Which, of course, brings me back to my original point.
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