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More Proof that Our Letters Count
posted by Scott on Tuesday July 09, @09:28PM
from the news dept.
News This article from the Canadian press mentions the recent revocation of a Budwieser beer ad which showed women slapping their boyfriends for looking at other women. Due to "a handful" of complaints, the ad was pulled, as was a Chrysler ad in 1999 which had the same theme. The article describes the ad as being "pulled", but then says that it will still be run after 11 PM. Still, it's definitely worthwhile to keep track of progress such as this that we can build on.

NCFM Chapter Files Lawsuit for Lack of Men's Commission | New Circumcision Research and News  >

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We Are Having An Effect (Score:2)
by Thomas on Tuesday July 09, @10:39PM EST (#1)
(User #280 Info)
Our movement is not just growing, it is recognized and already fairly powerful.

Thank you, Scott.
Re:We Are Having An Effect (Score:1, Informative)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 10, @04:41AM EST (#2)
A commercial which I find very offensive is the Whiskas cat food commercial where a man is eating the product and commenting on how good it is but the only thing he can't figure out is why there is a cat on the package. Another example of "man as moron" in advertising. I would like to know how to get it pulled.
Re:We Are Having An Effect (Score:2)
by brad (brad@mensactivism.org) on Wednesday July 10, @09:40AM EST (#3)
(User #305 Info) http://www.student.math.uwaterloo.ca/~bj3beatt
Another example of "man as moron" in advertising.

i'm not sure if it's the individual commercials that offend me or the overall trend. whenever there's an inter-gender conflict on a commercial, it's the woman who wins out. it's the lack of balance which offends me.

given, there are some rare examples to the contrary. starburst is currently running a commercial in which a woman unwraps a candy in her mouth. the guy one ups her by making an origami crane with the wrapper that he undoes... while it's in his mouth.

it's these few exceptions to the rule which give me hope.
Voicestream (Score:2)
by frank h on Wednesday July 10, @10:34AM EST (#4)
(User #141 Info)
They're subtle, I'll have to admit, but every single Voicestream commercial that I've seen over the past year features Jamie Lee Curtis in some manner of desultory scenario about men. First we had the guy and his girlfriend, locked together by their braces, the guy refusing to use his cell minutes until after hours. Then we had the guy and his wife on the beach in their car as the tide came in, again, the guy wanting to wait for when his free inutes kicked in. Now we have the "single" guy... And it goes on and on. We need to kick these people where it hurts: in the wallet.
Important Article (Score:3, Informative)
by Thomas on Wednesday July 10, @11:28AM EST (#5)
(User #280 Info)
Here's an article, about this subject, that is worth reading. It was printed in adweek and covers ads that were pulled because of "political correctness," including the 7-UP ad that made a joke about prison rape.
The Invisible Boy (Score:1)
by Dan Lynch (dan047@sympatico.ca) on Wednesday July 10, @03:36PM EST (#6)
(User #722 Info)
Government Canada is sitting on the fence with concerns to violence against boys. Not only that this pdf file, which requires an adobe reader, goes into detail about the blatant ignoring of male victims in our society, it maintains the status quo which to me proves the cowardice of politicians. Whether its a female perpatrator or a male perpetrator it shows that most male victims don't get noticed until they themselves are caught in the 'legal system'. Aticles like this and others that I have read in Ottawa are just now starting to acknowledge men as victims of domestic abuse. The government's claim is that men have never come forward as well as a few other things, but as I hate them bastards I feel its because they dumped the bare minimum of monies into researching this female to male violence and overall male violence. There is no excuse for their blatant refusal of 'equal protection under the law' obligations. Regardless, it is only because of boards and the Council for the Status of Men like this that anything is being done about it. I wish to thank both groups, William Levy for his fight, and Scott Garman for his contribution and for not making this an American only board but a board for all Men's Activism throughout the world. Here is the link to the report.
"The Invisible Boy"
http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hppb/familyviolence/pdfs/in visib.pdf

Dan Lynch
pulled? since when? (Score:2)
by brad (brad@mensactivism.org) on Wednesday July 10, @05:47PM EST (#7)
(User #305 Info) http://www.student.math.uwaterloo.ca/~bj3beatt
i just saw it on television a few minutes ago.
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