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You've just got to love the title Wendy gave this article. I'd say it's not only a message to the deceptors at CA NOW, but it's also one we should take to heart ourselves. Are we willing to "Put up" and devote some time to writing a letter about this? Even if you find yourself not ready for doing such a thing, writing a letter of support to Wendy or one criticizing the CA NOW participants can have an important psychological effect.
This is big news, folks. Very big. A potential turning point for our movement.
The accusations leveled at father's rights activists by PC feminists are damning — so damning that at least one of the leaders of the father's movement named by NAFJC is currently seeking legal advice on libel.
This is exactly as I have alleged and as I believe it should be. I am proud of Wendy. She is playing hardball and kicking some ass. IMHO, what was written was pure libel and it is without question actionable. I cannot say how thankful I am that Wendy is going to bat on that horrible letter.
Yes this is big news Scott. It is time that the radical feminist be called on their libel and slander against the FR movement. It is time for the public to recognize that the FR movement is full of credible and honorable people like myself. An attack against those named in that horrific letter is an attack against honorable people that support a just cause.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
by Anonymous User on Tuesday July 09, @12:23PM EST (#11)
notice how canow "neglects" to mention that it is proven fact that more children are injured by mothers[and boyfriends]than fathers.notice how canow "neglects" to mention that women are equally guilty of domestic violence.notice how they "neglect" to mention all the fathers who simply are poor and get jailed in what is nothing more than a unconstutitional debtors prison.they ARE a hate group,simple and plain.propaganda,lies,cheating,false studies and statistics,no concept of equality or fair play and most of all the hurt and pain they inflict on children by depriving them of loving fathers shows that canow is a hate group.they have infested our courthouses with all the propaganda. now that many people understand what these policies have done to our children and our entire country and are taking action against this raw sewage flowing in our courts,canow shrills about ONLY the views thay hold.we are wise to canow and hate groups like it and the american people will stand for it no more.
I would gladly contribute to any legal effort to sue these hateful monsters. Tell me where to send my check.
For several years I’ve been convinced that NOW is in the long-term process of self-destruction. It may be the one and only NOW project that we should assist. They badly need our help on this one.
This flogging of anyone associated with FR may make their self-righteous hateful arrogance so transparent that it can’t be explained away. Even by a public that has bought into their carefully constructed version of “equality” that depends entirely on prejudice, anti-male stereotypes, and publicly subsidized persecution. We have an opportunity to actually let the public see what kind of bigots pull the strings at NOW.
The tactics being used in attacking McElroy seem to indicate pure desperation on NOW’s part. They’re so far from any high road they must be in Death Valley - it’s no-holds-barred mudslinging and libel. We must be getting close to something that has them very, very nervous. Unfortunately their pit bull approach has been working for years and they’re hooked on it. But there’s got to be a limit and they may have just crossed the line.
NOW is in the long-term process of self-destruction.
Very true, and so is the rest of mainstream feminism. It may well be that everyone, who is still in the N.O.W., is pretty loonie, but many of the less deranged may leave in response to this particular piece of madness. As a result, the utterly wackoid fringe will become more concentrated in the organization. This would, of course, be a very good thing.
My heart goes out to Wendy, Trudy, Warren, Waylon, and all the others who are fighting the good fight on this one. It has to be exasperating and exhausting, but this battle may well prove to be the great turning point in our struggle. We may someday cite it the way Concord, Montgomery, and Stonewall are cited. And the names of our defenders may well go down in history.
Yo, Radfems! Can you say Waaaaterrrloooo?
by Anonymous User on Tuesday July 09, @04:43PM EST (#18)
We may someday cite it the way Concord, Montgomery, and Stonewall are cited. And the names of our defenders may well go down in history.
I am personally ready to write some folk songs about them. :)
"My heart goes out to Wendy, Trudy, Warren, Waylon, and all the others who are fighting the good fight on this one. It has to be exasperating and exhausting, but this battle may well prove to be the great turning point in our struggle. We may someday cite it the way Concord, Montgomery, and Stonewall are cited. And the names of our defenders may well go down in history. "
All those people are great, and they should be commended, but so should the average guy and gal who were just trying to live there lives, but put in all that they could, namely everyone on this board.
Dan Lynch
If you're writing a letter to your paper, also send one to your local FOX affiliate. If you don't have one, send to the main addy
I have sent them (
"Everyone who spoke up for male DV or discrimination
victims had severe consequences. Suzanne Steinmetz
received death threats for her work publicizing
husband battering. Erin Pizzey got many death threats.
Murray Strauss was libeled a wife abuser -- even his
divorced wife denied it. Now there is a probably false
attack on Warren Farrell.
And yet Marilyn French, Robin Morgan and Germain
Greer are still considered respectable feminists
{}. Even Andrea
Dworkin, with her questionable views on incest and
{ kin_001.html}.
Most major players in the media do understand that
should they be politically incorrect on gender issues,
they will get into lots of trouble. The phenomenon is
called Lace Curtain
{} But then FOX
NEWS is known for being more politically incorrect
then any other network...
We however should consider our First Amandment
rights sacred and not be bullied into silence. " CONTACT THE MEDIA!
"The phenomenon is called Lace Curtain {} But then FOX NEWS is known for being more politically incorrect then any other network... We however should consider our First Amandment rights sacred and not be bullied into silence. "
Thank god for the internet. No one owns it but the people. For now.
Dan Lynch
Thank god for the internet. No one owns it but the people. For now.
on a side note, most of the internet isn't owned by independant people. i forget where i saw the study (some posting on slashdot months ago) that cited 60% (i might be off on that) of the sites that people visit are owned by 4 corporations and their branches.
the benefit to the internet is that we have the ability to create our own pages, post our own opinions. the problem is lack of coverage. who actually visits the site? can those who want the information find it? you might claim search engines. true, there's a point there. but most people use, and the like.
that's why it's important that we don't just keep these protests online. there's a real world out there and it's worth it to let your opinion be heard.
This evil group always gets my feathers ruffled up. I will continue to take a pro-active part myself and write to my local newspapers and news stations in the area. Someone has got to start listening to all the good fathers out there and not just the hate filled language coming from the NAGS. No doubt about it, this is a fight of good against evil here. Let's come together here dads.
No doubt about it, this is a fight of good against evil here. Let's come together here dads.
And let's come together as men. Let's show solidarity in this attack against us. I have written my letters.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
The best thing that can happen at this point is for all of the varying forces to rally their troops, which is precisely what is going down.
I think that when the general public get's a deeper draught of the kind of rhetoric that is coming from CA NOW and their mentally unstable supporters, they will see it for what it is. We all owe a great debt of gratitude to Wendy for her steady nerves and principled commitment to the truth.
Thanks Wendy.
I'm posting links to her article everywhere. Keep spreading this stuff. Brought to you by the sham mirrors.
In this email as posted in Men's News Daily we see that several accusations are made by Cindy Ross, California Director, National Alliance for Family Court Justice (NAFCJ) an ally of CANOW. These include the statements that "FR (Father's Rights) groups are connected to a court kickback/financial corruption scheme," "FR groups fabricated 'parental alienation syndrome' as the strategy used to suppress evidence of child abuse and domestic violence," and "FR groups are comprised of misogynists, batterers, child molesters, sociopaths and criminals."
She then goes on to say to Wendy, "Since you have publicly dismissed the NOW report... Please provide me with a statement that you dispute the facts stated above (numbered 1-5), including the evidence and proof you used to arrive at your conclusions."
Wendy criticized the NOW report largely because it lacked evidence to support its allegations. So, in the minds of NAFCJ and CANOW, if they make accusations and someone demands evidence to support the accusations, it is up to the person demanding evidence to prove that the accusations are false.
Well, people might be guilty until proven innocent in the distopia that NAFCJ and CANOW hope to foist upon the world, but that isn't the way things work in this society. (At least not until recently, and then only as a result of the influence of the likes of NAFCJ and CANOW, when men have to prove their innocence. Remember, the Harvard policy of requiring evidence to support accusations of a range of sexual wrongdoing is a very recent correction to this outrage.)
In the minds of NAFCJ and CANOW, if they accuse people of, for instance, being "batterers, child molesters, sociopaths and criminals" the burden is upon the accused and their defenders to prove innocence.
I'm using this point in the letters that I'm writing. Please feel free to use it yourselves, verbatim if you choose.
Anyone care to post the letter(s) they've written?
by Anonymous User on Tuesday July 09, @01:10PM EST (#13)
Wendy criticized the NOW report largely because it lacked evidence to support its allegations. So, in the minds of NAFCJ and CANOW, if they make accusations and someone demands evidence to support the accusations, it is up to the person demanding evidence to prove that the accusations are false.
Well said. That is exactly the kind of twisted logic that canow is using.
"Well said. That is exactly the kind of twisted logic that canow is using."
Funny how that type of logic is currently used in any area of law regarding the genders.
The one excuse is "it will victimize the victime further". What a load of crap. I respect kindness and gentleness but proof is good too, otherwise you victimize an innocent person, one like myself for instance.
I can think of hundreds more if CANOW needs proof. Man those dimwits are their own worst enemies.
Dan Lynch
It's remarkable how fast mainstream feminism is collapsing these days. The true believers have been reduced to screaching allegations that they have precious little hope of defending. They are literally under seige by well-intentioned, honest people, who will no longer submit in silence to the outrages of the likes of NOW.
I have this wild image of Wendy, and all the other wonderful people who are fighting the evils of mainstream feminism, aligned outside the walls of the feminist Jericho. All the deranged, man-hating harpies are standing on the ramparts and hurling their weapons -- false allegations and insults, and finding that they are no longer effective. Wendy's blowin' her horn, and those walls are crumbling.
For decades mainstream feminists have been used to declaring any outrageous lie that pops into their heads, listening with glee as so many of the women within hearing distance start fulminating that they're oppressed by the evil males, and glowering as all the men crawl down alleyways to hide. Well, that ain't the way it works no more.
by Anonymous User on Tuesday July 09, @04:57PM EST (#19)
"For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved."
John 3:20
"It's remarkable how fast mainstream feminism is collapsing these days. The true believers have been reduced to screaching allegations that they have precious little hope of defending. They are literally under seige by well-intentioned, honest people, who will no longer submit in silence to the outrages of the likes of NOW. "
I think those fembots seen this fall coming for a while, perhaps over a year, thats why the kept doing those sponsors and seminars trying to get more recrutes. Saying stuff like "'women have come a long way, but we still have a long way to go'" or even more drastically "Women havent really made all that much progress, you can help". Thank god people are getting gutsy enough to challenge this shit. I have been active for about 3 years. The bullshit accusation laid on me by Candace Varga started it all in 1997. I had felt that I would be discriminated against, and I was warned by her(Candace Varga) that I better do as she says because the COURTS will take her word over mine because she's a woman. I thought bullshit this is Canada, this is the place where people get fair trials. Man was I ever wrong. I had never been so disillusioned in all my life at how the system works against men. Not to mention that I had a fall down Lawyer that I would never hire again if I was on fire and he was the waterboy. His Name is Lloyd St.Amond, I will never hire that guy ever again, and I don't recomend anyone else do so either. He failed brutally to defend me adequately and I am very dissappointed in my communications with him among other things.
Dan Lynch
His Name is Lloyd St.Amond, I will never hire that guy ever again, and I don't recomend anyone else do so either. He failed brutally to defend me adequately and I am very dissappointed in my communications with him among other things.
Careful Dan. You better be using words and phrases like "in my opinion" and "alleged" when making these kinds of statements. You don't want them coming after you.
Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
"Careful Dan. You better be using words and phrases like "in my opinion" and "alleged" when making these kinds of statements. You don't want them coming after you."
Actually; yes I do. He is a shithead. And I believe it will hold up, as I have more on him than he does on me. The NCFM is not the only one looking for legal iterations. I have been bad mouthing that *&(&@+ for years, to the point where he's moved from firm to firm, he can't even get clients for criminal anymore, I think. Though he was only part of the problem he didnt help much. I heard he might be leaving the city. On that the Lawyers here are on strike, something about 'legal aid' not paying enough.
The Justice system is farting, but I want it to fall just like the Walls of Jericho too.
Its a system and pushing people through the system is the way it stays alive, guilty or not, its got nothing to do with it, its all about the administration of it.
Dan Lynch
I just wanted to make a minor note on dissenting positions. We all don't agree on everything which is fine, but its good that we can argue our positions to make us stronger and more knowledgable about all that is going on. Unlike the Ms. boards the slightest dissent doesnt make us a 'troll'.
This is a good thing for the whole of the group and activists alike, its probably the reason why feminism is running into the walls that it is, they are not allowing for different opinions and their debating skills are fruitless at best. The truth should be our goal and the truth will protect us all men and women alike, and I think thats all we really want.
Objective and unbiased research would be a fairytale come true, but until then we will have to rely on eachother to remain vigilant and sharp. We are sculpting ourselves in the irons of our wills because justice is not a win/lose ordeal it is always a win/win when the arrow is aimed for accuracy.
Dan Lynch
Take a look at this. What we are witnessing today may prove to be the greatest thing since the Emancipation Proclamation.
My God, for years I have lost sleep because of the evils of mainstream feminism. Now I may well lose sleep because I am ecstatic over the collapse of evil.
And I would strongly encourage you to consult your legal counsel, or N.O.W.'s legal counsel as I believe (and will have to verify this for California) that making threats of legal action, without following through, is actionable for harassment.
Thank God for good and decent women that are helping the men's movement. This statement clearly indicates that they are serious and not making idle threats. These women are great leaders for everyone to look up to. Hopefully, our daughters will see their example and learn how important it is to stand on principle. Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Thank God for good and decent women that are helping the men's movement. This statement clearly indicates that they are serious and not making idle threats.
We should definitely thank the people who are fighting this battle on our behalf. It should be noted, though, that the above statement was apparently made by Bill Wood.
check this out. if this isn't supressed panic, i don't know what is. with lines such as "I thank you for for publicizing our effort and giving us and our issue such extensive coverage!" it's hard not to see the desperation.
MensNewsDaily seems to be a technically flaky site. It often happens that links fail to work on that site. Perhaps Scott might reconsider his policy of leaving men's news postings to this site until their servers are more reliable.
The MensNewsDaily site is very slow for me; pages take an unusually long time to load. I'd like to amend my previous statement about the MensNewsDaily site to that effect.
it's hard not to see the desperation.
It certainly struck me as pathetic.
Actually, I'd like to thank THEM for making such a ridiculous set of charges against men's rights activism. NOW gets a lot of press, and thanks to their ridiculous and hysterical statements, the men's movement is getting some very good publicity, even if it is in a back-handed fashion.
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