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Special Ed Gender Gap Stirs Worry
posted by Scott on Monday July 08, @12:47PM
from the boys/young-men dept.
Boys/Young Men CJ sent us this Boston Globe story about the prevalence of boys in special education and emotional disability programs. The article is well researched and discusses the fact that the gender gap in these programs is directly related to how vague the "disability" is defined and that we are taking too many active young men and labelling them as disabled rather than dealing with the shortcomings our educational system has with regard to teaching boys.

Source: The Boston Globe [newspaper]

Title: Special ed gender gap stirs worry

Authors: Anand Vaishnav and Bill Dedman

Date: July 8, 2002

ILO: Forced Labor by Men Acceptable | Don't Imprison Parents (Ooops! Make That Mothers)  >

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