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Will Lance Armstrong Do It Again?
posted by Scott on Saturday July 06, @09:25PM
from the news dept.
News With the Tour de France ongoing, I thought it would be worthwhile to post news that Lance Armstrong has won the prologue and will be wearing the yellow jersey early on in the bike race. Armstrong, of course, is a survivor of testicular cancer and is responsible for a lot of awareness regarding this men's health issue, not to mention the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Let's all hope the best for Armstrong, who has won the last three Tours in a row. Will he make a fourth? Either way, he's a great role model for men and a spokesman for cancer.

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As a side-note.. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday July 07, @06:36AM EST (#1)
I highly recommend cycling if you have ability/opportunity to do so. After I come home from a stressful day at the job, I hit the local bike path (8 miles) to releave the stress. It's really good for your mental/physical health.

NYC Area Bike Clubs and Tours

-- The Constitution poses no threat to the current form of Government.

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