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Happy Father's Day!
posted by Scott on Sunday June 16, @10:35AM
from the fatherhood dept.
Fatherhood I know this site has not been updated in the past few days, and it's been because I've had a lot of things to do to prepare for Father's Day and some other family events this weekend. I ended up spending the day with my dad yesterday, and it was a lot of fun - we put together a computer for him out of some spare parts I was able to dig up (including the backup server MANN used during that hardware failure). Anyways, I hope others are having a great Father's Day weekend, whether it will be spent being with your dad, honoring his memory, participating in activism, or whatever you find is most appropriate. If you're in the southeastern NH area and want to celebrate the passage of the Men's Commission bill and men's issues in general, the NCFC-NH group is having a very informal meeting tonight at the Town Hall in Newington, NH starting at about 7 PM.

A Man's Right To Choose | The Myth of the Deadbeat Dad  >

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