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Zohrab on Media Bias
posted by Scott on Friday June 07, @06:51PM
from the reader-submission dept.
Feature Submission Peter Zorhab from the NZ Equality Party sent in another article on media bias. In this piece, he focuses more broadly on the influece of left-wing politics and the struggle men's issues has in getting airtime in this environment. Whether your politics are left or right, his points provoke a lot of thought on this issue.

Left-Wing Media Bias

Copyright 2002 by Peter Douglas Zohrab (zohrab@xtra.co.nz)
Reprinted with permission from the author

The Problem

How can it be that someone like Peter Mulhern can pen the following words:

"The biases of the elite media are too well documented to make good column fodder. Most journalists have a tribal attachment to the Democrat Party that transcends even ideology" ( http://nj.npri.org/nj99/11/media.htm ),

while (as at 18 May 2002) the page http://www.cultsock.ndirect.co.uk/MUHome/cshtml/index.html (on a Media Studies site) treats media bias as if only right-wing media bias existed ? Surely they live in different worlds ?

The media and education systems (the Media-University Complex) in Western countries have the ideological cohesiveness and mass coverage to create "reality", and then to go out and "discover" it, to research it, and to report it. They create reality by seeking out left-wing, Feminist, and ethnic etc. extremists and giving them the same, or more, coverage as/than mainstream organizations, and refusing to give first-person coverage (fair interviews) to right-wing extremists, Pro-Life activists, and Men's/Fathers' groups, etc.. Over time, this moves the criterion of "mainstream" inexorably to the left.

Meanwhile, the real reality is simmering away below the surface of reported events. On the rare occasions when it attempts to burst out into public consciousness (e.g. when the Right are doing well in the polls), the media do their best to sweep it back under the carpet by means of scare-mongering, libel, and selective reporting. It is really only talk-back radio and the Internet that give people the freedom to bypass Left-Wing media censorship and propaganda.

The media are frequently attacked by "Right-Wing" critics -- not for the bias of the owners of the media (which is relatively minor in scale), but for the bias of the media workers (journalists, in particular). For example, in 2002 media coverage of French Right-Wing politician Jean-Marie Le Pen and the Dutch political assassinee, Forteyn, most journalists were blatantly and openly one-sided, as if the media were a left-wing political party (which, in practice, they are). The media see right-wing extremism as the problem, whereas in fact left-wing media bias forces moderate Right-Wingers into extremism, because the media prevents them from having equal access to the public.

Right-Wing populists are bound to be critical of media bias, because they attract most of it - names such as Rush Limbaugh and Richard Nixon, in the USA, and Robert Muldoon and Winston Peters, in New Zealand, spring to my mind immediately. The website http://www.mrc.org is solely given over to the publicizing of Left-Wing media bias. The webpage http://nj.npri.org/nj99/11/media.htm, referring to an event involving Lyndon Johnson that was "news" to me, states:

"Nothing Richard Nixon was ever accused of in connection with Watergate posed as great a threat to the integrity of the American political process as the crime Lyndon Johnson committed in James Reston's presence. But Johnson was a Democrat. He could rely on Reston to ignore his crime. He could also rely on Newsweek to continue ignoring it 35 years later."

Though the Fathers' Movement is, at long last, starting to get a little bit of media coverage, any activist in the broader Men's Movement can testify to anti-male, Feminist bias in the media. See http://members.tripod.com/peterzohrab/marclepi.html , for example.

Media Power

People often say things like "Knowledge is Power" or "Information is Power," but they seldom seem to realize this applies to politics as well as to everything else. The Media - particularly before the advent of the Internet - controlled information. This seems to have gone to their heads, in many cases. Some media people have acquired star status, which is an indication of their power over people's minds. They are not aware of their own bias.

The news media are very powerful, as Goebbels knew. He was aware of the need to conceal the "art" of the media professional from the audience by using historical analogies rather than making blatant political propaganda. Similarly, the modern western media propagandizes by choosing what to cover and what questions to ask, rather than by being blatantly biased in the presentation of what it does cover - usually, at any rate. The problem for politically incorrect causes such as Men's Rights has been how to get covered at all.

The Sociology Problem

There is a standard, Left-Wing bias that prevails in Universities, but I will not discuss that topic here - except with reference to the field of Sociology. See my book, "Sex, Lies & Feminism" ( http://members.tripod.com/peterzohrab/contents.html ) for further details.

The problem of Left-Wing media bias is best understood as pertaining to the field of the Sociology of the Media. However, Sociology is itself known to be a Left-Wing bastion - so much so that I once received an email from a man, asking me about Men's Rights, and apologizing for the fact that he was a Sociology student and therefore likely to be hostile to Men's Rights !

For example, a quick search of the World Wide Web for "Sociology of the Media" (or something similar) yielded the following top results:

  • The City University, London, which showed no sign of any interest in the sociology of media personnel in their extensive course-offering;
  • The "Equality Studies Centre" of University College Dublin, which has a course on "Sociology of the Media and Equality", taught by a woman, amidst a raft of other optional courses, which are virtually all taught by women, and include "gender", "sexualities", and "women" - but not "men", needless to say;
  • The personal page of a female lecturer at the University of New Brunswick, who has so far taught "Sociology of the Media" along with "Introduction to Women's Studies";
  • Hope College, which gave no detailed information;
  • New School University, which has a course "Fundamentals of Sociology of Media", which refers to the media as being "a constitutive element in the power structure of capitalist societies", but shows no sign of investigating the role of the employees of media entities;
  • A University of Essex gateway to resources about the Sociology of the Media;
  • The University of New Brunswick, which does not give much information about the content of courses;
  • The University of Limerick, which has a course on "Sociology of the Media", which includes "media representation of women" (but probably not "media representation of men") as one of its topics.

None of these show evidence of any interest in researching the role of the workers in the media industry or men, as such. Their focus seems usually to be on the owners of the media, as capitalists (i.e. from a Leftist perspective), on the effects of the media on Society, and/or on Feminist perspectives on the media.


Far from being mere observers and reporters, the media are powerful and active players in the political process. One example is the well-known Feminist author, Susan Faludi. According to Laura Taflinger,

"Faludi thinks a journalist's job is to create social change by educating people and taking the time to investigate things. A journalist needs to be passionate about a cause, she says." ( http://www.dnai.com/~ljtaflin/FEMJOUR/faludi.html )

Since they control the actual perception of political reality of billions of people, the media have to choose between tidying up their act and becoming increasingly a target of political violence.

Are Women Who Study Cosmotology Victims of Career Choice Coercion by Schools? | On-line Chat with Bettina Greaves  >

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Political Indoctrination In Victim Services (Score:1)
by Dan Lynch (dan047@sympatico.ca) on Saturday June 08, @02:13AM EST (#1)
(User #722 Info)
I have been thinking about this, and I have mentioned a video I watched a few months ago that I found to be quite disturbing.
That video was designed for DV shelters. The video had zero counciling pluses going for it, but it did have an amazing amount of indoctrination and misandry.(IMO)

    They have abused women watch these films at a very vulnerable time in their lives immediatly after abuse or a violent situation. But instead of couciling I found that these films insert indoctrination. Not only does this lead them to hate men, but also leads them to vote a certain way, as well as to trust the councilors infallibly. This victim status and dependancy is ingrained in their psyches'. Permanantly keeping them in the party line.(my observation)

      Should we be surprised that those who give and or fund these shelters wouldnt want "voter kickback"? Its like subliminal messaging to the most vulnerable class of people, telling them the prescription for their ailment is to vote for the party that "fights this and supports this shelter etc...."Over dramatizing much of it(many victims go on to council, many are not very educated). Is it any wonder they continually deny that men are victims? If they (the political party) did it may undermine the polarization they desperately need in order to survive. Besides the fact that men rarely seek counciling for these things, I think we should consider "who" and "how" the liberals target "voters" and who it is that vote. (Long term party affiliation and long term male hatred.)

      I have many liberal tendancies, and many conservative values as well, so its not like I care either way. But I call it like I see it. The liberals have done almost everything in their power to demonize men and more perticularily white men. On all issues of Race to Gender to Religeon. I'm not trying to tell you which way to vote but I am telling you we should be thinking about some of this and see if it adds up.

    AS for the indoctrination of victims, I can only speak about what I have seen and it is very limited to really make a clear arguement; so any info gathering on this would be very appreciated. But if it is the typical model of a dv shelter I think there is something to it. Think about this, because many of these people are the ones who are really attacking men, and because of their "victim status" they are protected from opposition questioning, aswell as dissenting ideals. A perfect cess pool of opperations for liberals who love to indoctrinate and use personal attacks and emotion rather than clear arguement as we have found with the "women's studies".

      If I am way off base please tell me, or if I am way behind and what I am saying is common knowledge tell me that too.
Dan Lynch
Dialectics,Dogma and Feminisim (Score:1)
by cshaw on Saturday June 08, @10:02AM EST (#2)
(User #19 Info)
Dialectics, using arguments asserting various positions in controversies, according to the ancient Greeks, was the best method of reaching the truth.
Dogma, inherent in Feminism, communism, fascism, and other reactionary movements, inherently is the establishment of postions and conclusions based upon established authority which can not be questioned because of that authority. Dogma is based upon force and power and seeks to destroy reason with the same as reason destroys the basis of the power of the dogmatic authority.
The authoritarian nature of the well organized and financed feminist movement can only be effectively be addressed if the men's movement organizes effectively politically, economically, and socially and effectively and forcefull opposes the authoriarian means and ends of feminism. Reasonable arguments directed towards the "reform" of the same are inherently futile as per the above arguments.
Re:Dialectics,Dogma and Feminisim (Score:1)
by Dan Lynch (dan047@sympatico.ca) on Saturday June 08, @04:10PM EST (#3)
(User #722 Info)
Go to this link if you want a good laugh on this subject.

http://www.frontpagemag.com/guestcolumnists2002/le vin06-07-02.htm

My response to this was an apt "Huh??"
Dan Lynch
Re:Dialectics,Dogma and Feminisim (Score:2)
by Thomas on Saturday June 08, @05:41PM EST (#4)
(User #280 Info)
Reasonable arguments directed towards the "reform" of the same are inherently futile as per the above arguments.

So true. Trying to reason with feminists is an exercise in futility. As the saying goes:
"Never wrestle with a pig. You'll both get filthy, and the pig will love it."
Re:Dialectics,Dogma and Feminisim (Score:1)
by Dan Lynch (dan047@sympatico.ca) on Sunday June 09, @04:02AM EST (#5)
(User #722 Info)
"Never wrestle with a pig. You'll both get filthy, and the pig will love it."

I can tell that you watched "Good Advice".

I want you to know that movie was and undercut to feminism in a very subliminal way.

It was interesting to see it promote pregancy and "obvious hypocracy". I was torn when I saw it, but my conclusion was , since it was directed at women, was "men are okay, and sexual harrasment shuld be expected, let it go"". There were a few things that pissed me off about it namely the line "dont be a man be a human", but I thin there was more to the movie than realized.

And thirdly, Im a fighter I love to fight, and even when Im losing Im still doing what I love to do the most.

The movie was flawed in one way, they expected that the Patriarchy would react differently. I am telling you right now, that the patriarchy is the way it is today is because of women's prodding. Do you understand me??? The reason the partriarchy is what it is is because of women. And becuase of years of evolution women have forgotton this or overlooked it. They are nurturing because of their choice, men are competitive because women have pushed them to it.
Dan Lynch
Re:Dialectics,Dogma and Feminisim (Score:1)
by derry on Sunday June 09, @08:01AM EST (#6)
(User #828 Info)
They are nurturing because of their choice, men are competitive because women have pushed them to it.

They have? Care to elaborate on that point?
Re:Dialectics,Dogma and Feminisim (Score:1)
by Tom on Monday June 10, @05:46AM EST (#7)
(User #192 Info)
I think we are in this mess since we haven't stood up and told them NO! We continue to support polititians who don't have the balls to say no to these gender criminals. I'm calling my Senator today and asking him if he has ever said NO to a feminist bill. I want to know this and I want him to know that I am watching. I hope you all do the same thing. Today.

Men are more competitive for many reasons. The biggest is our physiology and endocrine system. We get juiced with testosterone at over 10 times the rate of women and this gives us quite a competitive spirit. We need to use that spirit now in fighting the lies and funding that have slowly crept into and fouled our system. Of course the fems say that this spirit is BAD and IS THE PROBLEM. Bullshit. This is their self-preservation. Once men awaken and start attacking the lies we will begin to make a dent.
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