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The "A" Team Combats False Accusations
posted by Scott on Sunday February 17, @11:28AM
from the web-links dept.
Web Links Luek submitted this link and writes "I just found this excellent "pro-male" legal services site by Trial Consultant Kenneth R. Pangborn, that has some very good general information for men explaining just what legal ramifications you will face if ever falsely accused of rape, harassment, child or spousal abuse. And most important, how to fight back! One good point that is brought out on this site is that men tend to trivialize and downplay any false accusation brought against them and presume that the "system" has build-in safety mechanisms that will automatically vindicate them. Nothing could be farther from the truth! With misandry-focused legislation like the infamous "VAWA ACT" becoming the social trend, it is best to dust off the old adages: "To be forewarned is to be forearmed." "Knowledge is power, so get empowered!""

Someone Had to Do it: The Penis Monologues | Every Child Needs a Father  >

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