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Union Leader Coverage of Stop Hating Men
posted by Scott on Thursday February 14, @02:06PM
from the news dept.
News Josh Adams from the Union Leader interviewed me and wrote an article on the formation of Stop Hating Men at UNH. I feel the article was a bit more confrontational or "SHM vs. SHARPP" than I would have liked, but as we all know, the media thrives on conflict. The article was very good in other ways, though. Click here to read it.

Source: The Union Leader [newspaper]

Title: UNH student wants to fight men-bashing

Author: Josh Adams

Date: February 14, 2002

MANN Feature: A Father's Guide to Custody Issues | New Site Offers Support for Male DV Victims  >

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Favorable Article = Success! (Score:1)
by warble (activistwarble@yahoo.com) on Thursday February 14, @02:27PM EST (#1)
(User #643 Info)
It is another notch in your belt of successes. Thanks Scott. I cannot tell you how much it means to me that you are fighting for men's rights. I am working on my end by talking to the men at work and starting discussions about the legal abuses. The conclusion is that men must join these groups to rewrite the laws.

This discussion is long overdue at a time when men, as a group, have yet to realize how they have been legally marginalized. They are shocked when they learn that basic rights and protections in the laws have been legally removed. We must become proactive and inform men of how their rights have been seriously compromised.

Keep up the good work, and good luck in your hearing (House Bill 587)!

Between the lines (Score:1)
by Larry on Thursday February 14, @08:47PM EST (#2)
(User #203 Info)
Great article! Great step. At first I was just glad it wasn't dismissive and took Scott seriously. Then I read it again and liked it a whole lot.

How many men reading that article won't inwardly cringe at reading "But that’s typical male behavior not to acknowledge a problem and seek help." and have a little voice inside him say "We call that self-respect, dammit!" We've all heard variations on that for years.

Then to hear Scott's "Men don’t find a lot of things in their lives that are male affirming" is a breath of fresh air. That will stay with them.
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