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Hierarchies Are Male, Right? ...Right?
posted by Nightmist on Saturday February 09, @09:56PM
from the masculinity dept.
Masculinity bledso writes "This is a very interesting article about how men and women approach group activity. According to this article, it appears we may behave in a more similar manner than we thought, our timing is just a little different." In fact, Mast's research seems to bear out what some of us see in life every day, and her research appears to hold up what some other researchers have determined about hierarchies of late.

Source: ABC News [Web site]

Title: He, She Hierarchies

Author: Lee Dye

Date: February 6, 2002

Girls Becoming Pimps, Committee Says They're Victims | MANN/iFeminists Chat: Norma Jean Almodovar  >

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hmmmm (Score:1)
by Tom on Sunday February 10, @06:26PM EST (#1)
(User #192 Info)

This researcher seems to be equating interupting with dominance. I think this is suspect. When and if we interupt someone can be related to many factors other than dominance including how excited someone is about their response, how well or not so well someone can hear, or even how rude someone is. A thinking type may be more likely to interupt than a feeling type. Also a number of pathologies like narcissism influence interupting behavior and could influence responses. I just can't see this being anything but speculative. Jumping from number of interuptions to how we form hierarchies is a very big leap. Looks very shaky to me.
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