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U.S. Deporting Only Males from Arab Nations
posted by Scott on Friday January 11, @11:14AM
from the inequality/double-standards dept.
Inequality Steven Jones writes "The Federal government is deporting 6000 Arab males in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. But not one female. [Some believe that] Islam calls for believers to strike out at non-believers. It does not say that only male Muslims should do this. While [some believe] Christianity says to "turn the other cheek," Islam calls for "an eye for an eye" which is the reason violent attacks on seemingly innocent people are considered justified. We may very well see women being recruited for further attacks in the future. But for now, the story of the mass male deportation is here." I added the qualifiers in brackets because I know many religious followers both faiths find these interpretations debatable.

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