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Interview with a Domestic Violence Shelter Activist
posted by Scott on Saturday December 29, @02:36PM
from the domestic-violence dept.
Domestic Violence Remo writes "This interview in Feminista! is with a long-time veteran of domestic violence shelters. Note the implicit misandric assumptions. Also the statement near the end that the shelters are but a way-station for a larger political goal. And lastly, note the corrupting influence of money. Let's hope the men's movement doesn't make the same mistakes."

Eve's Seed | Remember Innocent Men in Jail  >

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This Whole Feminista Thing... (Score:2)
by frank h on Saturday December 29, @03:43PM EST (#1)
(User #141 Info)
This whole feminista thing looks to me like a stepping-up of the feminist rhetoric in response to the men's movement. It would be interesting to find out who's financing the site. I'm sure that VAWAII funds are somehow being funneled in there and if so, and if we can prove it, then I think maybe a letter-writing campaign to the White House and the DoJ is in order.

It's one thing to only provide women with services. It's quite another to use federal funds to influence the politics of the issue.
The Feminista Page (Score:2)
by frank h on Saturday December 29, @05:11PM EST (#2)
(User #141 Info)
The Feministas do have an interesting feature of thier site: they are selling t-shirts and coffee mugs. I doubt seriously that they are funding their entire site expense through sales. If this is something that interests the MANN community, and if someone could develop some artwork, I'd be willing to get some t-shirts and mugs made with OUR logo.
Re:The Feminista Page (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday December 30, @02:00AM EST (#3)
Hi, Frank:

Thanks for your observations about the teeshirts and coffee mugs. Someone here might wish to pursue those ideas farther. I'll try to find information on the funding for Feminista, but unless they get public monies, I don't think they have to publish it anywhere. I suppose their tax returns might reveal alot, but I don't know how to get ahold of those, how to interpret them, nor even if I have the right to examine them. Still, I'll let you know if I find out anything.

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