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Exploiting Afghan Women for Feminism's Gain
posted by Scott on Tuesday December 04, @06:27PM
from the news dept.
News Wendy McElroy's latest Fox News column is interesting because it exposes how the radical feminist movement is getting miffed at Laura Bush's advocacy for Afghan women. McElroy writes that the reason for this is that "The left wing of feminism is desperate to own this issue. Voices like the Feminist Majority Foundation are trying to use the oppression of Afghan women in the same manner they exploit other international issues, such as the trafficking of women or working conditions in the Third World." It's not completely related to men's rights, but provides some insight into the feminist movement, whose tactics we should try to understand.

Source: Fox News

Title: Call Me 'Anti-Woman'

Author: Wendy McElroy

Date: December 4, 2001

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