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More Women Face Charges in Domestic Disputes
posted by Scott on Monday December 03, @02:29PM
from the domestic-violence dept.
Domestic Violence Tony sent in this article from the Toronto Star which discusses the rising number of women being charged with domestic violence. In one case mentioned, a woman made 320 harassing phone calls to her estranged boyfriend in a span of two weeks. She even continued to call after the police warned her to stop. We reported on a similar situation a while back where a man created a web site called Psychoexgirlfriend.com and documented her calls on his site.

Source: The Toronto Star [Canadian newspaper]

Title: More women face charges in domestic disputes

Author: Unknown

Date: November 23, 2001

Afghan Women Speak Out for Afghan Men | Trends in Educational Equity  >

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small correction
by brad (anriel.yahoo@com) on Monday December 03, @03:06PM EST (#1)
(User #305 Info) http://www.student.math.uwaterloo.ca/~bj3beatt
that's the toronto star, not the ontario star.
Re:small correction
by Scott (scott@mensactivism.org) on Monday December 03, @03:49PM EST (#2)
(User #3 Info) http://www.vortxweb.net/gorgias/mens_issues/
Thanks, Brad...my goof.

Amazing article for the Star to print...
by Ragtime (ragtimeNOSPAM@PLEASEdropby.net) on Monday December 03, @08:03PM EST (#3)
(User #288 Info)
It's just about unbelieveable to think that this article was actually printed in the Toronto Star. The Star is a _staunchly_ feminist paper. They've certainly never shown any indication of giving balanced coverage to gender issues in the past.

I'm sure this article must have been well buried at the bottom of a back page. If it had been about *men*, it would have been on Pg 1 or the top of Pg 2. In big type.

Inevitably, though, the feminist lie must be perpetrated, and the real issues denied -- at the bottom of the article, one of the Crown Attorneys, Andrew Shatto, spouts Grade 'A' gov't approved 'truth' and says: "... accused females are prosecuted the same as males, and given the same sentences." Shatto said he generally recommends counselling as the first step in such cases for people without criminal records.

Uh Huh. Right.

All three of the big Toronto dailies are pro-feminist and misandrist. The Sun a little less so, and the Globe and Mail actually more so. I don't read any of them anymore.

Obviously, being part of the group they go out of their way to demean, insult, and condemn, I must not be part of their intended audience.

Re:Amazing article for the Star to print...
by AFG (afg2112@yahoo.ca) on Monday December 03, @08:36PM EST (#4)
(User #355 Info) http://afg78.tripod.ca/home.html
"All three of the big Toronto dailies are pro-feminist and misandrist. The Sun a little less so, and the Globe and Mail actually more so. I don't read any of them anymore."

You're right about the Star. Any paper that has Michelle Landsberg (sp?) as a regular columnist is surely pro-feminist. That is why I stick with the National Post.

The Toronto Sun: It's hard to decide. They do have a lot of pro-male/father opinion pieces and stories, but then again, if you look at their charity drives, they always focus on sigle mothers...
He will never be the same. He will never change.
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