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Tolerance.org Ignores DV Against Men
posted by Scott on Sunday December 02, @01:27PM
from the domestic-violence dept.
Domestic Violence Vince writes "Here, the intolerance of Tolerance.org is displayed. As usual, they don't mention any data whatsoever on battered men. Contact them through this page. Let's make them aware of their intolerance. Let's make them aware that men make up far more than the "5%" myth." Update: Neil Steyskal had also sent in a similar article from the Washington Times.

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dichotomy of violence
by brad (anriel.yahoo@com) on Sunday December 02, @01:36PM EST (#1)
(User #305 Info) http://www.student.math.uwaterloo.ca/~bj3beatt
i have a hard time understanding why people are so intent on ending specific types of violence instead of addressing the problems at their roots. why end violence towards women when one could deal with the larger issue of violence and help everyone in need?

i've heard some say that this is because in order to deal with an issue it is necessary to break it down and deal with the individual pieces on an individual basis. i've also heard that co-ed DV centres don't work because of gender trust issues after DV. (side note, does that equate to sterotyping? my initial hunch says yes.)

but if men make up at least 5% of all DV cases why is it that less than 5% of all DV centres are devoted to women alone? that one doesn't add up for me. anyone care to explain?
Re:dichotomy of violence
by yakksoho (hanoibastard@yahoo.co.jp) on Monday December 03, @12:27AM EST (#2)
(User #520 Info) http://www.geocities.com/theplaidhorse/george.html
This is similar to the excessive drives for breast cancer and none for testicular cancer, or for that matter throat/lung/brain/&c cancer, the former of which just took our beloved George Harrison. Of course breast cancer drives are a good cause, but they are not a better cause than one for any other type of cancer. Why run for breast cancer when you can run for _cancer_?

Until I was in the tenth grade I was not even aware that testicular cancer existed. That is how sad the situation is; a well-educated high school student may not even be aware of a very prevalent life-threatening disease. If I were a male I may not even know I had it. On the other had, five year old girls are aware of the dangers of breast cancer. Truly this is a downfall in education.

--Raincloud; woman fighting against women for men
Misandry problem comming from DOJ
by SJones on Monday December 03, @01:39PM EST (#3)
(User #329 Info)
It appears from checking the site you linked to that the misandric omissions are coming from John Ashcroft and the Bush White House. I'm afraid we will have to deal with that first and foremost. Bush won by a narrow margin and now he and his advisors are trying to win over more women for the next election. That is understandable, but unless we apply pressure to Bush's people and the Republican Party this is going to get worse. He wants votes and is taking the male vote for granted, as the Republicans have done even since their sweep of Congress in '94. We have to start talking to them about this. And if necessary we may have to vote against them in the next election to let them see what taking males for granted does to their chances of winning public office. Better we do it now than to wait until Bush is running against Hillary or someone like her in 2004.
by jaxom on Tuesday December 04, @03:01AM EST (#4)
(User #505 Info)
I've spoken to them several times and only getthe same old tired "we would never discriminate so anything we say must be right" that we are so very familiar with.

Tolerance.ORG is intolerant and there is no way they can say anything else.
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