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Body Dysmorphic Disorder
posted by Scott on Sunday November 18, @07:58PM
from the men's-health dept.
Men's Health Neil Steyskal submitted this story from the Sydney Morning Herald about body dysmorphic disorder in men. This is a little talked about problem, and one that is on the rise: "In this month's British Medical Journal, two researchers, Australian David Castle and American Katharine Phillips say body image is becoming almost as big an issue for men as for women...Castle says: "We want people to be healthy, but on the other hand if you look at the sort of images we are being flooded with, nobody could achieve those looks - looks which are extreme.""

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald [Australian newspaper]

Title: Big, beautiful, but not necessarily benign

Author: Unknown

Date: November 16, 2001

PC Means Political Control | No Help for Abused Men in Salons  >

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