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The BBC's Reporting of Afghan Refugees
posted by Scott on Monday October 22, @05:57PM
from the media dept.
The Media Les Farkas sent in a letter he wrote to the BBC for their focus on female refugees from Afghanistan. Les is encouraging us to also write in and get some exposure on major news web sites such as the BBC, which prints letters from readers. As he wrote me, "The more society whines about unfairness to women, the more I feel men being written off or disposed of someway, somehow. In the midst of all the sentimentality over females, we must never stop reminding people, whether they like to hear it or not, that the well being of the other half of humanity should also be of concern!" Read More below to view his letter. And send yours in too!

(Aside: If you do contact the BBC, don't forget to praise the Brits. They are good people who are on our side in this time of crisis.)

To the Editor:

The "role" of afghan women in this conflict is the same for women the world over in all conflict zones: that is, to DO NOTHING while their men and boys are killed , herded and conscripted into war and violence! I don't feel half as sorry for afghan women as I do for their miserable men and boys. How do we weigh the moral outrage of not allowing women to go about uncovered, as opposed to conscripting eleven year old boys? Talk about a loss of freedom! These are many of the victims of the US military hardware. Who compels this from females? Male refugees trying to flee this madness are also sometimes detained from leaving Afghanistan, forced to fight. I am continuously annoyed by society whining about unfairness to women while overlooking greater injustices against men!

Les Farkas

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No Taliban means the end of a sexist regime.
by DrMatrix on Friday October 26, @02:34AM EST (#1)
(User #268 Info)
It's curious that the military action against the Taliban and the terrorist groups it supports, characterized by left media as a "terrorist" action solely and exclusively against Afghan civilians, isn't seized upon by feminists as an opportunity to rid the world of a sexist regime. Does the left truly believe that the Taliban will soften on its own? Apparently, for the far left, pacifism trumps fighting and dying for gender equality. Opposition to the bombing of the Taliban can fairly be called sexist.

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