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Why Women Aren't Required to Register For The Draft
posted by Nightmist on Wednesday October 10, @05:37AM
from the draft dept.
The Draft Finally, after all the debate, here it is from the horse's mouth: Why women aren't required to register for the draft. A supplemental backgrounder document is also available. To draft women, military policy must first be changed to allow them into combat roles. The wording of the law must then be made gender neutral. Then funding must be provided for requiring women to register. Also from the backgrounder: The U.S. came close to drafting women during World War II, when there was a shortage of military nurses. However, there was a surge of volunteerism and a draft of women nurses was not needed.

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Women and the draft?
by Steve on Wednesday October 10, @10:58AM EST (#1)
(User #158 Info) http://www.imparl.net
I don't agree that policy must change to allow women in combat roles in order to allow the drafting of women. The Supreme Court case held that the government's policy to exclude women from combat *justified* the exclusion of women from the draft. However, the court did not say that the combat-exclusion policy *required* that women be excluded from the draft.

I see no reason why women could not be drafted into various support roles.

Moreover, I am not at all convinced that we want women to serve in combat. If I remember correctly, the Israelis tried that and it was a disaster.

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