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Man Fined for Shaming Wife's Illicit Lover
posted by Scott on Friday September 28, @01:08PM
from the news dept.
News Neil Steyskal sent in this short but interesting story, which details how a man whose wife was cheating on him put up a neon sign on his shop exposing the man she was having an affair with. The British courts fined Robert Sofolowski, claiming that he was invading the privacy of his wife's lover by posting the sign. Sofolowski replied, "I am the one who has been wronged...There is no reason for cuckolds like myself to hide themselves away."

"World's Smartest Human" Apologizes For Being Male | Don't Touch Your Crotch In Utah  >

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More Power To Him
by Nightmist (nightmist@mensactivism.org) on Friday September 28, @01:30PM EST (#1)
(User #187 Info)
I say more power to this guy. He should've shamed his wife in the process, as well. Why is it that when men cheat on women the men are seen as stupid dolts deserving of some kind of humiliating revenge, and when women cheat on men, it is STILL the men who are seen as "cuckolds," witless, stupid people of whom it is easy to take advantage?

More power to this vengeful fellow.

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