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Feminists Creating a Police State with Zero-Tolerance Laws
posted by Scott on Thursday September 06, @06:39PM
from the domesetic-violence dept.
Domestic Violence Henry Makow wrote a very thought-provoking article on TooGoodReports.com. In it, he shows how zero-tolerance laws overwhelmed police and take up an enormous proportion of their cases, and how being arrested for the most minor forms of "violence" is hurting men, women, and relationships in general. While I take issue with Makow's comments that homosexuals are leading a conspiracy to destroy heterosexuality, the article does a good job outlining the damage being done to society by attempts to control people's personal behavior and the inevitable consequences of these laws (a police state and reduction of civil liberties).

Source: TooGoodReports.com [web site]

Title: The Dawn Of The Feminist Police State

Author: Henry Makow, Ph.D.

Date: September 5, 2001

People Growing Intolerant of Zero Tolerance in Schools | The ACLU, Abortion and Women's (Men's?) Rights  >

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Perhaps the most serious men's issue -
by cheddah on Friday September 07, @02:23PM EST (#1)
(User #190 Info)

...the abuse of law through the family courts.The zero tolerance policy runs counter to fundamental principles of justice. A crime (i.e. injury) must take place before someone is arrested and jailed.

"As heterosexuals, we are victims of an insidious campaign of social engineering, which amounts to sexual persecution. Our children and we are taught that our natural instincts as males and females are pathological. It's time we said: "enough."

On his website is a "frank" analysis that compares the similarities between feminist theory and Marxism... a very good read.

High Rate of Male Imprisonment
by cshaw on Friday September 07, @10:42PM EST (#2)
(User #19 Info)
The high rate of imprisonment of males in the USA is mainly the result of the promulgation of laws prohibiting "victimless crimes", laws which promulgate discrimination against men in employment, and other laws and customs which make males second class citizens.All of the same receive the great majority of their support from a female constituency which seeks unjust social, political,legal, and economic advantage over males as the result of the same. Males simply have a right to take such steps to end this injustice as the purpose of the law is to protect the citizens essential freedoms and to promulgate justice, the anti-thesis of what is the case now given the above.
by Anonymous User on Saturday September 08, @11:02PM EST (#3)
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