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No Prison Sleepover for Child with Mother who Murdered
posted by Scott on Sunday September 02, @01:32PM
from the news dept.
News frank h writes "This article says that the Governor of Nebraska is revoking the 'right' of an imprisoned mother to have her six-year-old son spend the night with her in prison. Hooo-Ray for common sense. The judges, on the other hand, favored the sleepover. This Governor needs to hear from men nationwide who applaud his action because he will surely hear from the feminists." This brings up some interesting questions. I think everyone would agree that having a child sleep in a prison with a parent convicted of murder is not a good idea, but what about less serious crimes? Do children not belong in prisons at all or should a parent (often the father, mind you) serving some time for a minor offense be given the right to see his or her child for an extended visit?

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No Prison For Children
by Nightmist (nightmist@mensactivism.org) on Sunday September 02, @09:15PM EST (#1)
(User #187 Info)
I do not think children should be allowed to spend the night in adult prisons, period. Why? Because of the precise reason the father in this story relates: the child gets the idea that prison is "mommy's house," that it's not a bad place, not a place from which he should stay away.

On the other hand, I DO believe that if women are being offered the opportunity to spend time with their children inside bars like this, that men should be offered the same opportunity. Add private rooms to men's prisons so that children can spend time with their fathers the same way they spend time with their mothers.

I believe that if male prisons were required to enact policies on this similar to female prisons, we would soon see feminist legislation banning children from prisons altogether.

Re:No Prison For Children
by Anonymous User on Sunday September 02, @10:48PM EST (#2)
I don't think children have any need to stay in prisons overnight, either. Make sure the mom or dad can see the child during the day, but staying overnight? I just think that's inappropriate.

by DanCurry on Sunday September 02, @11:48PM EST (#3)
(User #245 Info)
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. No children should stay more than four hours in the current prison enviroment, male or female.

Dan Curry

Re:No Prison For Children
by Anonymous User on Thursday September 06, @07:48PM EST (#4)
I agree with Horatio. Prisons are not appropriate environments for children. I have no problem with a separate visitation room where mothers/fathers can visit with their progeny *during the day,* but sleepovers cross the line.
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