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Is Sexual Harassment Policy Driving Up College Tuition?
posted by Nightmist on Tuesday August 21, @05:05PM
from the news/sexual-harassment dept.
News Wendy McElroy examines the other costs of extremist sexual harassment policies on college campuses these days: a rise in tuition. McElroy uses several cases as examples, including one in which California State University at Fullerton was ordered to pay $75,000 to a student whom they basically told to "keep off the grass." The student claimed she was reprimanded because she was female. CSUF is just one school. Sexual harassment policies, procedures, complaints, and lawsuits are ongoing at virtually every university and college in America. No figure exists on how much money harassment suits have collectively cost academia within the last twelve months. Nor is there an estimate on how much tuitions have risen in response.

Kathleen Parker Comments On The Yates Case | Los Angeles Daily News Addresses Male Victims!  >

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