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Feminists, Adultery, and the Destruction of Marriage
posted by Nightmist on Tuesday August 07, @06:07AM
from the news/marriage dept.
News Wendy McElroy's weekly Fox News column explores why feminists are silent about adultery in the case of Gary Condit (and Bill Clinton) when they are so vocal about every other ill they often associate with marriage. McElroy rightly condemns "gender feminists" for their hostility toward marriage as patriarchal oppression, and offers some excerpts from said feminists' writings about adultery. Given the unsophisticated level of commentary offered by the leading feminist periodical is it any wonder that NOW has nothing useful to say about Condit's conduct? The gamut of the Ms.-advice on adultery runs from "accept it" to "get busy," from "I don't know" to sexual mutilation. Indeed, one feminist threatens to "hack off" her husband's penis if she caught him committing adultery.

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The Other Woman (Score:1)
by Hawth on Tuesday August 07, @09:05AM EST (#1)
(User #197 Info)
Divorce, the economics of housework, domestic violence, stay-at-home moms and deadbeat dads all have been dissected under a [feminist] microscope.

Perhaps the reason adultery doesn't qualify - in PC feminists' eyes - as an abuse of men's power is because, unlike the other abuses cited, it requires a co-conspirator who is, in most cases, another woman. A man can divorce his wife by himself, besot his wife with an unfair load of housework by himself, beat his wife by himself, abandon his kids and not pay child support by himself, and view pornography by himself.

But, a man can't cheat by himself. And unless he's gay, he's cheating with another woman, who is presumably acting as much out of self-determination and disrespect for the marriage contract (unless she's been lied to) as he is.
Re:The Other Woman (Score:2)
by Nightmist (nightmist@mensactivism.org) on Tuesday August 07, @10:02AM EST (#2)
(User #187 Info)
That's a good point, Hawth. Adultery (by men) could be seen by feminists as a cause of harm to their partners, but it could also be seen as an act of sexual independence on the part of the conspirator female. It is a paradox for the gender feminist, so she chooses to ignore it.

The "hack off his penis" thing still bugs me. I wonder what kind of global outcry there would be if men started threatening to "carve out the clitoris" of women by whom they were wronged?

NOTE: I advocate violence against no one.

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