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Providing Alternatives to Divorce
posted by Scott on Monday August 06, @10:59AM
from the divorce dept.
Divorce Bill Fortune from Domestic Solutions of New Hampshire, a consumer protection and advocacy group for people seeking solutions to relationship issues, is working on a project to get legislation passed in NH that would give people alternatives to divorce, particularly if they have young children. The idea is to refer couples to a form of relationship therapy friendly to both men and women, which is based on the work of Dr. Harville Hendrix (see this site for more info). The idea has received attention from UNH's Family Research Laboratory, which would be willing to study the effectiveness of the program if funding can be obtained. Bill is very interested in your input, and I'd encourage you to contact him if you have further questions. By clicking Read More below, you can view excerpts from a letter he wrote to President George Bush. Bill's e-mail is: indust.consult@rcn.com.

We all know the problems of the last Century; broken homes, abandoned children, billions spent on studies to determine the cause of the problems and failed social programs, etc. etc., including many proposed solutions.

I have spent many years reviewing the present methods used that try and effect "solutions." These years of investigation and feedback, enable me to say that The Institute for Imago Relationship Therapy has developed the best and most comprehensive methods to resolve the root causes of even relationships in deep conflict. Their methods are a compilation of the best methods of others, and in addition to their own methods, make a quantum leap. . Highlights include; relationships can and should be used to resolve even serious issues, "do it yourself" workbooks and tapes available, people should go forward from where they are and bring about changes, people help themselves as they help another, deals with causes not the symptoms, and expands on marriage enrichment. When people resolve their issues, we know that social ills are greatly reduced.

In marriage, where conflicts are resolved, children grow in healthy, nurturing homes that in turn grow to be healthy, nurturing adults.

Our vision is to introduce and implement these methods along with several other complementary methods. Preliminary experience indicates that just the knowledge and availability of the methods motivates many people to work at resolving their relationship issues. To the extent that people "work out" their own problems, government expenditures are reduced. The goal is to make the public aware of the theory and install programs statewide, whereby they can be introduced when the state is summoned to be involved; reduce burden upon the taxpayer. This may sound like an insurmountable project. In my experience, I have been told that several times before. Consequently, I have several successes to my credit, while I have gained the respect of my naysayers.

Dr. Murray Straus of the University of New Hampshire's Family Research Lab. has expressed an interest in assisting in the implementation and tracking the success of the program.

As far as I'm concerned this a life and death struggle. Not only does defective relationships cause many of our social ills, they also cause an early death. This is an opportunity for New Hampshire to be a shining star in the center of New England. I am certain that we New Hampshire folks haven't lost our Yankee Ingenuity spirit and I trust the people of New Hampshire to again demonstrate our leadership.

I beg you to assist Domestic Solutions of NH in obtaining seed funding, identifying funding sources and promote our common goals. You are the first president of this new century and this is a great opportunity to start this Century with, as Dr. Laura might say, a new attitude. Your Stature and the Weight of Your Office is needed to overcome the resistance of the divorce industry.

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