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Female Teacher Does 10 Days At Home For Kissing Student
posted by Nightmist on Monday July 30, @05:00PM
from the inequality dept.
Inequality Former Washington high school teacher Marty Barnes will only do 10 days of a traditionally 90-day sentence for second-degree criminal attempt of sexual misconduct with a minor (a misdemeanor) after she allegedly kissed one of her male students (twice). This story in the Seattle Times details the facts of the case. Barnes pleaded down from second-degree sexual misconduct with a minor, which would have meant she would have been required to register as a sex offender. Update: The author of this article (in an e-mail to me) says that several readers have written her asking why Barnes was given such a lenient sentence when a male would've received the max. You may write your letter to the editor to the Seattle Times here (opinion@seattletimes.com).

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