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Another Typical DV Article Demonizes Men
posted by Scott on Saturday July 28, @12:07PM
from the domestic-violence dept.
Domestic Violence Ray Remark sent me this predictable story from the Spokane Spokesman-Review about domestic violence. The story is specifically about the usage of "Children's Rooms" in courts for children to stay in so they don't have to observe the domestic violence trials that their parents are going through, but practically every paragraph of the article points out the overwhelming prevalence of male abusers. Ray sent in a sharp response, which can be read by clicking Read More below. It probably won't be printed in the paper, so you might as well read it here.

Dear Editor:

Your front page story of July 27 by Kevin Blocker on the domestic violence Children's Waiting Room betrays, yet again, the extraordinary state of denial America cli ngs to over domestic violence, rape, and gender issues in general.

Again and again, the "protection of children" is used by the culture and its servants as a tool to demonize males. Each instance of domestic violence described in your story involves an evil male terrorizing a helpless female.

You publish the findings of the Domestic Violence Consortium as truth. The Consortium - essentially a political and ideological special interest group- finds in th eir self-conducted, self-serving survey that "women were nearly twice as likely to experience intimate partner violence as men."

This finding is contradicted by impartial studies which consistently show that women and men engage in virtually equal amounts of violence in domestic contexts. Me n, ashamed of their weakness, rarely report this violence, while women are encouraged by ideological criminals to bring men to "justice." Further, non-ideological stud ies consistently find that women overwhelmingly initiate episodes of domestic violence. We can't have anything like truth in the paper though, can we?

The scapegoating and imprisonment of masculinity that swamps American culture is chillingly reflected in the statement by Gary King, program coordinator for the wai ting room, who claims it's easy to spot kids from abusive backgrounds. "Those are the ones who are leery of me - the only adult male figure in their lives is an abusi ve one. They always have at least one eye on me."

While I do not doubt that the brainwashing of children against masculinity is epidemic in American culture, again, impartial research consistently indicates that ch ildren in America are abused disproportionately by females. This is not a finding the culture wishes to hear, however. It's much more profitable -- and psychological ly reassuring - to scapegoat males, to indoctrinate children against them, and then to use the "evil male" as an excuse for removing children from any masculine influe nce.

Likewise, Spokane District Court Judge Richard White reveals the misandry so typical in modern American jurisprudence. He is paraphrased as saying he "can't begin to count the number of kids who've been exposed to brutal testimony." Judge White is then quoted: "Mom and dad would be testifying against each other - I've sentence d many a father before their sons."

Indeed, you Honor. But damn few women in front of their daughters, it goes without saying. No wonder American boys are lost and filled with rage. Two parties exp ress essentially equal contentions before "blind" justice - and always it's the male that goes to jail. Judge White's bias is widely reflected in the policies of many jurisdictions and enforcement agencies across America involved with domestic violence. The current pattern is to arrest, try, and imprison only males, regardless of the circumstances surrounding each incident.

I am hardly shocked that funding for the Waiting Room came from McDonalds and Women Helping Women organizations. Like the Domestic Violence Consortium, these group s have no interest whatsoever in justice, fairness, or equality before the law. They hide behind false service to children and community, when in fact they are enemie s of both. Their real agenda is to construct a society in which males are second-class citizens, in which the feminine is deified and the masculine demonized, and in which the feminine dominates the masculine under unceasing threat of punishment, especially imprisonment. In this, they have already succeeded, recapitulating matriar chal conditions exactly.

Yet another of the endless women "helping" women groups, Stop the Clock, counters FBI statistics showing local declines in sexual violence by conducting -- and publ icizing -- their own "surveys." Not surprisingly, their findings indicate that sexual violence is everywhere, and that males are to blame. Of course, when "researcher s" include such categories as "cat calls," "degrading jokes," and "rude stares" in the criteria, it's easy to conclude with satisfaction and sham rage that American me n oppress and violate women at every instant. When ideologues like Stop the Clock conduct polls at Ani DiFranco concerts, it's like asking foxes in the chicken coop h ow they like their fryers prepared.

Indeed, were I to include "rude stares" from American women as my criteria for establishing sexual violence, I would be sexually violated a number of times weekly. Stop the Clock isn't interested in that, though. They're too busy fabricating their truth.

The only honest thing in the entire piece appeared in your sidebar, "Court handles huge caseload." Judge White - that champion of justice - says, "The problem - is that domestic violence isn't an anger issue, it's a power and control issue."

Correct. In America, domestic violence - and most of jurisprudence - is about gaining and maintaining complete power and control over masculinity. America is not suffering from mass domestic and sexual violence, but from mass psychosis and hysteria by infantilized females covertly seeking power, privilege and control over anyt hing even vaguely masculine. In this, they are funded and abetted by every cultural institution and innumerable "watchdog" groups.

Gary King, Judge White, and the domestic/sexual violence propagandists are not the protectors of our children and communities, but instead the foes of a truly just, inclusive, non-vengeful culture. With each day they corrode and destabilize a once-proud, once-sane nation.

Shame on the editors of the Spokesman-Review, and on reporter Kevin Blocker, for validating and publicizing their prejudices.

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DV article (Score:1)
by Trudy W Schuett on Saturday July 28, @04:27PM EST (#1)
(User #116 Info)
Yes, it is a good letter. No, it won't be published--not due to the content, but due to the fact that it's far too long. This paper's standard is 250 words, and the bigger papers are adhering strictly to their policies these days.

Read the paper's individual policies before you send a letter. Follow them and you have a much better chance of seeing print.
Re:DV article (Score:2)
by Nightmist (nightmist@mensactivism.org) on Saturday July 28, @05:53PM EST (#2)
(User #187 Info)
Very sound advice Trudy. The paper I work for limits letters to 200 words unless the contents of said letter are particularly striking, or the person writing happens to be directly responding to a story about himself.

Most papers will let you get away with writing a little more than the limit provided they can edit it to shorten it up a bit.

The above letter was well-written and the author obviously took great care in establishing his argument, but always remember that in newspaper, succinct gets printed.

Re:DV article (Score:1)
by Scott (scott@mensactivism.org) on Sunday July 29, @07:09AM EST (#3)
(User #3 Info) http://www.vortxweb.net/gorgias/mens_issues/index.html
Ray's been having trouble posting comments to this site, so he asked me to post this for him:

thanks for your comments

i'm well aware of the limits on content and length imposed by daily print outlets ... i worked in media -- in the information office of the california supreme court -- for seven years

my purpose in writing to this particular outlet was not to publish there -- i have written them a number of times on similar themes, within their length guidelines, and i can assure you they have no intention of publishing my letters, were they twenty words or ten thousand and twenty

the only letter of mine published in this paper, although meeting length limits, was mangled -- they called it edited -- in such a way as to make my arguments appear disjointed and illogical ... these people know exactly what they're doing, folks ... they don't remain in power by accident

i have a lengthy correspondence relationship with certain editors at this daily, and i am attempting to work on them through the back door, one might say ... my purpose was to remind them that i am monitoring them, and secondarily to distribute the story and my comments to outlets like mensactivism.org

again, thanks for taking the time to comment on my efforts

ray remark

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