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Resistance Grows Against Excessive Medicating of Young Children
posted by Scott on Tuesday July 24, @11:34AM
from the boys/young-men dept.
Boys/Young Men The Dallas Morning News reported here that Connecticut recently passed legislation barring school officials and counselors from recommending psychiatric drugs for students. Schools can still recommend that a student be evaluated by a doctor or psychiatrist, and I think this makes sense - so students who do have mental health problems can still be helped. The strong support for this bill is testimony to the fact that too often, kids (especially boys) are being drugged up excessively and needlessly, and the public is concerned about this.

Source: The Dalls Morning News [newspaper]

Title: Law reflects backlash against medicating kids

Author: Matthew Daly

Date: July 18, 2001

Boyosauruses | Men Suffer "Awareness Gap" Regarding Prostate Health  >

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