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A Day of Discrimination Against Men
posted by Nightmist on Monday July 16, @06:55PM
from the inequality dept.
Inequality This article from AskMen.com follows one man through his workday and social life as he details every ounce of discrimination he faces. This reads a bit like fiction, and it may be, but it is still an account of problems with which we all identify. It's depressing. And I think we've found another commercial to add to the list of male bashing companies we discussed during last week's chat: Radox Bath Salts. Update: Found a strikingly similar article here at bigpond.com. I don't know, now, if this is the same author, plagiarism, or spoof.

Mother of "Political Correctness" Says She Was Misundertsood | Sitter Who Allegedly Had Sex With Children Says Boys Are To Blame  >

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Subliminal Messages (Score:2)
by frank h on Tuesday July 17, @08:23AM EST (#1)
(User #141 Info)
In the bigpond version, I note the subliminal message in the background that shows the greek symbols for male and female, with the arrow for the male symbol uncharacteristically flaccid. I vote that we bigpond to the list.
Re:Subliminal Messages (Score:1)
by Hawth on Tuesday July 17, @11:10AM EST (#2)
(User #197 Info)
I've already been to that site (the homepage is specifically entitled Feminism and it's Theory of Sexual Power) and have found it to be a wonderfully well-written and voluminous cache of thought-provoking and entertaining perspectives on male and female power and double standards and such.

However, if you really want to be entertained and provoked, go to his reader feedback pages. They are mostly comprised of critical and dissenting e-mails from feminist-minded folk (not all of them women and feminists), ranging from raving female chauvanists to more rational and thoughtful dissections of the "masculinist" views he gives. To most of these, he gracefully fires back with thoughtful counter-commentary, although he admits certain evils have indeed been committed upon women and that some of what the misandrists say about men have some truth to them (for instance, he gives an interesting diagnosis of the true root of Valerie "SCUM" Solinas's misandry).

But I guess the real challenge of whether or not you are a "true believer" in men's issues and male discrimination is whether or not you, yourself, can read what some of those people have to say about the very same issues that are discussed at this website (with very little dissenting input, by the way), and see if your ideology can stand up against the vast arsenal of victim rhetoric (most of which has more than a kernel of historical truth attached to it) that women and feminists are armed with. For me, it was a challenge, anyway. And even at the very best, I think you'll come away from it with the depressing realization that men's activists have a very, very long row to hoe if we are ever to dismantle that arsenal and the deep-seated popular perceptions of male and female power that that arsenal has imbedded in our culture.
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