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"Politically Incorrect" w/ Bill Maher Tackles Feminism
posted by Scott on Thursday July 12, @09:37AM
from the media dept.
The Media Igor writes "I was channel surfing late last night (7/11/01), and I stopped on "Politically Incorrect," a show on ABC that tackles abrasive issues with comedy (always a good approach). Last night, the focus was on feminism and its flaws. One of the guests was (hooray!!!) Christina Hoff Sommers. She did an amazing job fending off the most anti-male guest (ironically, a man), a film director whose name escapes me. He reminded me of the way I (and, I suspect, a few of you) used to be, and I pitied him. Bill Maher (the host) and CHS made some great points during the show, and a transcript should be up any time now at the "Politically Incorrect" website."

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Not "Incorrect" at all! (Score:1)
by Hawth on Thursday July 12, @03:11PM EST (#1)
(User #197 Info)
Before I discovered men's websites on the Internet, Bill Maher and his show were my original and - for a long time - primary source of counter-commentary on the politically correct rhetoric about women and men. While Bill sometimes loses me, as I'm not always sure whether he's defending men or the Caveman (he does agree that men are basically horny and violent and such), for the most part he's a fountain of extremely intelligent and insightful (and yes, very politically incorrect!) views on the "war of the sexes," and over the years I have enjoyed seeing him annhilate many a bigot on his show.

However, reading the transcript, I'm sort of glad that I didn't actually see this episode "live" on television, because I probably would have felt the need to display my "violent" male tendencies on Michael Moore - right through the TV screen. Believe me, I will make it a point never to watch anything this man produces. Christina Hoff Sommers had him pegged in an instant when she called him a "self-hating male." There are so many indoctrinated men in the media (not to mention in our real lives) who display this exact same attitude and it never fails to sicken and infuriate me.

And I was so distracted by Moore's misandry, I barely bristled at Sandra Bernhard's observation that women are more "spiritually evolved." And I couldn't help but draw a connection between that comment, and Moore's comments on male "evil." Maybe the reason women are "better" spiritually is because they can afford to be when they have men around to absorb all the nastiness - which is a point I think Bill was kind of making when he referred to women basically using men as bunkers. While it may be true that women civilize men, perhaps men make it possible for women to be civilized in the first place.

Just food for thought!
Re:Not "Incorrect" at all! (Score:2)
by frank h on Saturday July 14, @09:08PM EST (#2)
(User #141 Info)
So, maybe a couple of letters to Moore might make him at least recognize that there is another point of view. He's a helluva activist, and if we could get his attention, he would be a worthwhile ally. Not that there's any serious change of that. But it's worth a try.
Re:Not "Incorrect" at all! (Score:2)
by frank h on Saturday July 14, @09:09PM EST (#3)
(User #141 Info)
I forgot to ask the key question: does anyone know how to get in touch with him??
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