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Big Brother is Watching You
posted by Scott on Sunday July 01, @11:34AM
from the civil-liberties dept.
News AngryHarry sent in this story from the UK Sunday Times, about how "An elite team of detectives and psychiatrists is being set up by police to target would-be killers and stop them before they commit murder." To what extent do you think this program will target males - particularly men of color? In other news, the Tampa Bay News Channel 9 is reporting that a camera system has been set up in Ybor city which digitally scans people's faces and compares them to a database of people's faces who have an oustanding arrest warrant. I sure hope they don't get too many false positives.

Source: The Sunday Times [UK newspaper]

Title: New police unit will spy on would-be killers

Author: David Leppard

Date: July 1, 2001

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