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The Power "Down Below"
posted by Scott on Thursday May 10, @01:59PM
from the news dept.
News Spartacus sent in this link to a UK Times story about the Eve Ensler and the Vagina Monologues. Ensler starts off the article talking about how vaginas are the center of women's being, and that they are what motivates women in every part of their lives. And I thought biology wasn't destiny? For those of you who don't know, the Vagina Monologues is a controversial, male-bashing play which has been performed at various universities and theaters around the world. It is almost certainly a sign of the times when a person can make a living doing something like this...

Source: The Times [UK newspaper]

Title: The power down below

Author: Penny Wark

Date: May 9, 2001

Male Teacher Punished By School for Protecting Students | Soy Protein Good for Men's Bones  >

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Bigotry (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday May 12, @08:33PM EST (#1)
What total bigotry between Ensler and the interviewer. They "groan" about men who "make pussy jokes." What about women who make jokes about murdering men? "The Vagina Monologues" was performed in Nashville, Tenn., not long ago. Of course, ALL the press there completely uplifted its man-hating message.
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