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by Anonymous User on Saturday April 14, @12:46PM EST (#1)
How about this one:
The Feminists would argue that they believe in equality and equal rights for everyone. Which of the following is greater evidence of the feminists' hypocracy?
1. They do not openly advocate either the complete aboliton of the (all-male) draft or the equal drafting and combat placement of women.
2. They oppose female genital mutilation but condone male genital mutilation (circumcision).
3. They continue to advocate for and uphold unfair divorce, alimony, and child custody laws.
4. They continue to back blatantly false and misleading studies about gender wage gaps.
5. They control the Universities' humanities departments but only award positions to party members who agree with them.
6. They refuse to acknowledge and/or confront male problems--areas where males exhibit "powerlessness" such as a lack of reproductive choices, shorter lifespan, higher suicide rates, false accusations of rape and child molestation, draft danger, lower romantic/sexual market value.
Surely that's not an exhaustive list. Perhaps other people can suggest additions.
by Anonymous User on Saturday April 14, @01:12PM EST (#2)
How about:
What's political philosophy most closely matches your views?
- Democrat
- Republican
- Libertarian
- Anarchist
- Marxist/Communist
- Other
- I'm apolitical
Maybe it's not men's rights oriented enough, but I'd be curious to see what the breakdown of visitors to this site believe politically.
I think this would make a great poll, if done with the stated clarification that it aims to demonstrate the diversity of the men's movement and the critical importance of uniting despite our differences.
by Anonymous User on Saturday April 14, @09:25PM EST (#4)
If you do the political preferences poll, I hope you'll please add "atheist capitalist" to the list as many of them oppose the Libertarians based on deep philosophical principles.
by Anonymous User on Saturday April 14, @10:41PM EST (#5)
Yes/No questions:
Do you regularly write letters/participate in men's activism?
For or against circumcision? [or draft, or default joint custody, etc etc]
Oh, and here's a multiple choice one: Who's you're fav. author?
Farrell, Kimbrell, Sommers, Young, Pollack, Keen, Other???
I like this site a lot, Scott. I visit it almost every day.
Mark T.
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