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The nursing profession has become extremely politicized and contains an extremely high percentage of gender feminists. The politicization of nursing has limited male entry into nursing and has generally made nursing a hostile working environment for men. Female nurses,like many feminists,tend to reject the scientific method of approach to reaching conclusions and, instead,like to base their conclusions upon feelings "affection or hostility". Sigmund Freud stated that females "do not have and can not develop a sense of justice but rather make their decisions based upon feelings of hostility or affection." In fact, nurses and many feminists have rejected the scientific method which is necessary for reaching just conclusions and for fairly evaluating evidence and determining guilt in a criminal case. As such they should not be used as experts in determining intent in rape cases. Unfortunately, many trial lawyers have written books on women jurors and have stated that they are much more likely find guilt or innocence based upon their personal prejudices and personal like or dislike of a defendant based upon the same than males who are much more likely to determine guilt or innocence based upon the careful weighing of the evidence and credibility of witnesses.
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