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Suicide Rate Extremely High at MIT
posted by Scott on Friday February 09, @01:21PM
from the men's-health dept.
Men's Health This is a long, informative article from the Boston Globe about the alarmingly high suicide rate for students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Comparisons were made with several other top engineering schools and MIT had the highest suicide rate overall. Many of the deaths, of course, are men. There is an effort to increase counseling services at MIT and to try and do more to prevent suicide. Certainly, the stress and pressure on men to perform and achieve is very prevalent at such a prestigious school, and I also hope that steps will be taken at the other schools listed in the article which had disturbingly high suicide rates.

Source: The Boston Globe [newspaper]

Title: 11 years, 11 suicides

Author: Patrick Healy

Date: February 5, 2001

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