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Man Attempts to Induce Miscarriage
posted by Scott on Tuesday February 06, @05:58PM
from the reproductive-rights dept.
Reproductive Rights While this action is NOT TO BE TOLERATED OR CONDONED in any way whatsoever, it makes one wonder how things would be different if men did have reproductive choice - would there be any motive to do this? As the title suggests, a man had surreptitiously inserted pills into his girlfriend's vagina to induce a miscarriage when he discovered she was pregnant. And with the legality of new oral drugs such as RU-486, the potential for inducing abortions and/or miscarriages in women by their lovers is very real. The news story from Hartford Courant can be read here.

Source: The Hartford Courant [newspaper]

Title: Woman Alleges Man Attempted To Abort Fetus

Author: Eric Rich

Date: January 10, 2001

The Need for Choice for Men | Salon Interview with Warren Farrell  >

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