As most of us know, the "90 percent" figure comes from DOJ crime reports and archival data (based on reported incidents), which are way underinclusive for male victims because men are about ten times less likely to report it due to the lack of services, fear of arrest or losing custody of children, ridicule, etc. The vast majority of random survey data, which is far more accurate, shows women and men batter each other at equal rates, for the same reasons, and usually not in self defense:
Of course, we also know from reading Philip Cook's Abused Men that feminists have used their influence in the DV industry to suppress this data for three decades so they can protect their theory that DV stems from "patriarchy." So men like my friend, who's drunk wife battered him for years with a knife or broken glass, are barred from shelters so that feminists can further their political agenda.
Marc Angelucci