Hello, this is fritzc77, and if you read my opinion about the Zeller case, you have probably figured out where I am going to stand on this one. As has been pointed out already, this policy could have repurcussions beyond the premises of Columbia University[I keep wanting to say "walls," instead of premises; why does so much of what comes from radical feminists, and the men, though I admit I hesitate to call them that, who subscribe to their views, sound it like it came from the neo-NAZI's, or some other hate group, that sound like they live in an armed camp?]
So it doesn't matter if you think your opinion isn't relevant[it is, although the people who drafted this policy and the people who inspired them, probably don't want you to know that], and it also doesn't matter if don't think you write very well, just WRITE or SPEAK OUT. If you already care enough to read this, you care ENOUGH,so just do SOMETHING!