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"Male Bias" Cheats Women Of First-Class Degrees
posted by Scott on Monday August 14, @05:04PM
from the feminist-academic-BS dept.
Inequality Brian O'Higgins writes "According to a "study" by two genderists at Oxford, women are being denied equality in first-class degrees awarded, because the assessment system is geared towards a male style of argumentation. You can read about it at this UK Sunday Times link. Note that in the same breath as these genderists denounce the alleged sexism of this state of affairs, they shamelessly indulge in some very real sexism of their own, blatantly claiming that women consider arguments in a more careful and balanced way than men, exposing once again - for those who have yet to notice - the crypto-racist thinking that underlies much of feminist ideology." Great submission Brian! I couldn't have said it better myself.

Anti-Male Attitudes In American Universities | Trashing British Boys  >

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