How Do We Save the World from the White Man?

Article here. Excerpt:

'In his autobiography Malcolm X described racism as a psychosis in the white psyche. White people, he said, were able to function in all other ways as human beings should, but on the question of race white people lost all ability to reason rationally and instead deferred to insanity. As a result Malcolm asserted that for the non-white peoples of this nation, there was never an American dream but rather an American nightmare. Malcolm would never live to see the horrors of mass incarceration, he never lived to witness the massive wars of imperialism in non-white nations that the U.S. would wage overtly and covertly in the 21st century, he never came to know for himself the absurdity of the neo-fascist government that we have in our current administration. Yet in our current racial climate Malcolm’s diagnosis reads just as true now as it did then.

The backlash from last weeks op-ed “Should White Boys Still Be Allowed To Talk?” points once again to the unfortunate reality that Dickinson College, from its alumni, to its student body, to even its sitting president, have failed to mature beyond a remedial understanding of the racial question. For those of us who have experienced the brutality of a nation that declares people of color expendable, the article read not as an offense but a declaration of an emotion many of us feel every day. But for those who have come to believe themselves to be white, the article provoked an anger and an immaturity that reveals to all of us that we still have a long way to go in seeing each other as human beings.
From racism, to sexism, to heteronormativity, to even climate change, the need for white men to have their narratives be central to all conversations poses a threat to human beings everywhere. So when a woman of color writes an article suggesting that this group of individuals, who have yet to demonstrate any collective competence in treating people as human beings, take a step back and shut their mouths for once in history, it might be in the interest of everyone.
If there is any hope for real progress at Dickinson College, it will be in our ability to save ourselves from the idea of the white man. If we do not dare everything in this pursuit.

Then we will continue down the nihilistic path of gradual change through conversation which cannot produce real change. Humanity and whiteness cannot exist in the same space without conflict. The challenge to all of humanity will be which side of the conflict we will choose to stand on.'

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Is what we are seeing a reaction against modernity? The native Americans used to say that the white man's ways were out of harmony with nature and thus out of harmony with himself and that eventually they would return to living "authentically". That is, farming, natural products from natural sources, no mechanization, people just live life. High infant death rate, death from diseases, yes, and it gets cold outside at times. No central A/C. But is that way more *authentic*, in keeping with being in touch with nature? Arguably, yes.

Humans seem programmed to expect to struggle to survive. That makes sense given we have been doing that for the vast bulk of our history as a species. Then we got smart. We decided we need not live the way our fellow beasts of the field did and we came up with all this shit.

Now we are left without a mortal challenge. We become restless. Our human spirit has nothing to fight against. Deep inside, we know modernity has taken away the constant dangers, the hand-to-mouth thrill of existence, the hours of socializing and ritual-doing that gives us meaning and purpose. And we know whose idea it was to mechanize the living shit out of everything: the white man. Never mind the infant death rate has fallen to almost 0 and we have cures for damn near everything now, or that we need exert ourselves at a fraction of the rate we used to in order to survive. Take away our raison d'etre, and that is that. We'll hate you forever.

Stepping back, I think that is more what I am seeing. For if it isn't modernity and mechanization that is The White Patriarchy even in the absence of white men present in the room, then pray tell, what is it?

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