#MeToo, please stay out of our love lives

Article here. Excerpt:

'Although the #MeToo movement has made inroads into changing workplace culture, it is unfortunately leaking into the complicated world of human mating. As the #MeToo digital mobs march into our intimate relationships, posting allegations of sexual abuse and misogyny related to male-female personal relationships, the #MeToo boundaries are getting decidedly blurry. Bad boys, jerks, and guys who didn’t know their date just wasn’t so into them are being ensnared like dolphins in a tuna net.
But here’s the other conversation no one is having. Innocent, injured babies always find each other, even when they dress up as adults. And their playground is the bed. This is not to victim-blame. And trust me, I have spent enough time on a therapy couch to know my piece in relationship dynamics. I’m only saying that we must shine a brighter light on the deeper underpinnings of adult intimate relationships. They are complicated. But they are not #MeToo.'

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... #MeToo women start rolling back on the log when a guy they have a thing for gets targeted. Can't have it both ways, ladies. If you want the right to impugn without evidence a man for any real or perceived sexual misconduct (or just plain conduct), you must accept that any man in your life is a possible target for such accusations. Further if you follow the dictum that the accuser must always be believed despite evidence even to the contrary, you must accept that good men in your lives will be destroyed eventually because of the beliefs you hold.

Either you are a #MeToo woman or you are not. You can't have it both ways.

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Women are the past masters of having things both ways.

Feminists tell us how strong women are but also that they are permanently damaged by the wrong guy making a pass at them or just telling them a dirty joke.

It makes me wonder if female legislators are capable of dealing with the tough issues they have to deal or if all the complaining about "sexual harassment" is just a way to gain power over men.

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Literally the only time I see a female legislator say anything is when she is complaining about male legislators or men in general, or bemoaning the desperateness of life as a female. Seriously I cannot name one thing a female legislator has actually ever done that is anything other than utterly routine business or has something to do with pushing feminism (eg: VAWA).

Not that examples don't exist. I just know of none.

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I agree it is one way or the other, by the way.

One of my pet peeves in life is people who try to have it both ways. Locally, a male legislator was expelled for making a pass at a female legislator. Afterwards, one of the other legislators tried to say that his expulsion does not set a precedent. As matter of it does. He wanted to have it both ways, but in life you either do it or don't do it. You can't do something and then pretend you didn't. Oh, you can I suppose, but all you're doing is lying. And you either lie or tell the truth. There is no middle ground.

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